Tagged: indie authors


Top 10 Things Authors Need to Know About Contracts

The day has finally dawned! After all your hard work and endless rounds of submissions, you have a publisher that wants to publish your book. But when the publisher hands you the contract, should you just sign on the dotted line, or should you look it over first? If you did look it over, what would you be looking for?


Thinking Outside the Box

Welcome to our bi-weekly posts from guest columnist, Bobbye Terry. This week she offers fun tips for thinking outside the box. We’re curious to hear your tips too! Share your thoughts with us! Thanks!...


Do you write every day?

Social Media Tips for Thursday… As you may or may not know, I’ve been blogging every day since January 1, 2011, and I’ve seen some cool results: * My site traffic has tripled, to nearly 2,000 visitors per month — woohoo! I know other bloggers are seeing higher traffic, but for me, this is awesome, and I celebrate my success! And my numbers keep going up the more time goes by!
