Writer’s Fun Zone was created by a creative writer and creativity coach, Beth Barany.
That’s me!
I created this blog to share my tips, tools, and techniques learned during my own writer’s adventure as a science fiction and fantasy novelist and over the 20+ years of helping thousands of writers.
I’m a writer, just like you. I’m also a teacher, and am called from deep within, to teach through writing.
Play — Adventure — Exploration — Freedom — Discovery
Spark Manifested
Writer’s Fun Zone, WFZ, is a service to aspiring and published fiction and creative nonfiction authors …
…to help make writing and book marketing fun and adventurous.
After all, if writing weren’t bringing us some kind of pleasure, why do it?
I know you may have bad days, when sitting down to write is the last thing you want to do, yet you’ve made a promise to yourself, your fans, your readership, your boss… So sit down you must.
So, I built this site to explore:
- What makes writing fun;
- How to get motivated when writing doesn’t feel fun;
- What all the pieces are of the writing world, and book world that I think are fascinating and exciting;
- Why humans are drawn to story telling;
- How writers can tell stories in new ways;
- And more — It’s an exploration after all!
At the Writer’s Fun Zone, you are encouraged to play with writing and to discover how making mistakes is actually a form of play.
When you play, you take risks, you feel good for having taken those risks, and lo-and-behold, you’re grow, learn and become a stronger writer.
At Writer’s Fun Zone, I’m dedicated to helping you to:
- Make money with your writing;
- Have a career as an author;
- Be fully self-expressed;
- Be fulfilled inside and out;
- Make meaning through your creativity;
- And, more…
Subscribe to Writer’s Fun Zone here.
Ultimately, you’re growing and stretching your wings as writers to make a difference in the world.
Writing is a form of discovery.
Writing, publishing, marketing and selling our writing is telling the world what we’ve discovered.
The Writer’s Fun Zone offers tips to uncover the playful spirit within.
Comments welcome. And thank you in advance for your insight, enthusiasm, and contribution to the Writer’s Fun Zone.
Get Started
1. Subscribe to the RSS feed or the email subscription. Thank you!
If you’ve already done this, thanks! You’re awesome!
Be sure to check your inbox for your goodies and special reports. It may take a while. It’s the Internet! It has to go to space!
2. Sign up for the free 5-day mini course of Writer’s Motivation Course and get writing.
3. If you want to write for Writer’s Fun Zone, check out the writer’s guidelines here.
4. Ready to plan your novel? Then check out our PLAN YOUR NOVEL 30-Day writing challenge home study course here.
4. Want more resources? Get our list of books and other resources on Creativity, Fiction Writing, Character Naming, Literary Law, Publishing, and Book Marketing on our Resources page.
This Blog is Brought to You by…
This blog provided by Beth Barany, Certified Creativity Coach for Writers, and Barany Consulting, a coaching and consulting firm dedicated to education, writing, publishing, marketing and selling books, and the fun exploration of the human experience. We do that through:
- Coaching
- Consulting
- Editing
- Workshops & Seminars
- Trainings
- Fun Products
- Travel & Writing Workshops
Contact Me
You’re invited to contact Beth with questions about her services, by clicking here to go to her contact page on her site, www.BethBarany.com.
Creative Credits
Blog Header and Site Design by Web.Ninja
+ This entire site © 2007-2022 by Beth Barany
+ The design itself © 2007-2022 by web.ninja.
+ This site is protected by triple copyright. Please don’t infringe, copy or lift anything. Besides not being legal, it isn’t very nice. Thanks.
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