All The Good News That’s Fit to Tweet

Beth Barany, author of The Writer's Adventure Guide, and Henrietta The Dragon Slayer

Many authors just getting started in marketing their books think that Twitter is a confusing beast. But actually Twitter provides us with a wonderful platform to show off our writing skills 140 characters at a time, and still share a nugget.

If you just dive in with your creative writer hat on, you’ll find ways to follow the 3 rules of social media posting:

  • give praise/gratitude to another
  • share a piece of useful news: yours or anothers
  • tout your horn, requesting a looksee, pointing to your success, etc.; no one else will, necessarily

Copy my examples… tweets during the last few days…

Good Newswonderful news — for client Julia Schopick, author of Honest Medicine: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases

Submit your story to Stephanie Chandler’s anthology about why you chose to leave a corporate job for self-employment

I’ll do it! Maybe you’d like to submit to this anthology too! @bizauthor

A marketing tip for Indie Authors

A free way to list your cheap kindle book. ‘Cause readers are buying them! #bookmarketing #indieauthors #IAN1

Highlighting a new indie author, Revital Shiri-Horowitz, author of Daughters of Iraq

An enticing read opening our eyes to a little known community! @GetGlue #DaughtersOfIraq

Forwarding news on how contests are now way too complicated to run on Facebook

Authors, if you run contests FB or are considering it, check out this informative post by author @ashleymarch34

A shout out to Bobbye Terry’s post on how Writing is a Business

Author-Entrepreneur: Writing is a Business

A hurrah to author/editor’s blog post on conquering procrastination 100 words at a time

Author and editor @KarysaFaire reveals why Writing Romance isn’t for wimps! haha! #amwriting #amediting #reading

Pimping my book’s latest blog tour stop!

Readers, comment to win a bk + enter the grand prize! #fantasy #YAfantasy Henrietta The Dragon Slayer by @Beth_Barany

And I’ll stop here, because that’s a lot of tweets, covering only about two days worth.

What is some good news you tweeted about this week?!

Together we are strong!

If you’d like to deepen the conversation, join me at We Write Books: Let’s Write Alone Together, an online community for writers.

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