Do you write every day?
Social Media Tips for Thursdays…
As you may or may not know, I’ve been blogging every day since January 1, 2011, and I’ve seen some cool results: (Yep, a post a day! Sometimes written a few days ahead. Sometimes!)
- My site traffic has tripled, to nearly 2,000 visitors per month — Woohoo! I know other bloggers are seeing higher traffic, but for me, this is awesome, and I celebrate my success! And my numbers keep going up the more time goes by!
- My posts have been reposted and mentioned by much more heavily trafficked sites (Publetariat is one! Thanks! And a post I wrote on how self-published authors were finding success on the Kindle was digested by Wow! {This was during a 30-day trial blogging gig I did back in October 2010.})
- I’ve written about a wider range of topics than before. Topics like:
Success Tips for Indie Authors (Monday);
Twitter Tuesdays, inspired by Kristen Lamb’s series on her blog;
About Fantasy Fiction on Wednesdays;
Social Media Tips on Thursdays, or a Craft article my guest columnist and novelist, Bobbye Terry;
Author Entrepreneur Tips on Fridays;
Creativity Sparks on Saturdays;
and a featured, curated, Video for Authors on Sundays. Because I need a day off from writing! LOL - I’ve featured (and will continue to feature) guest columnists {You can write for us too!}
- I’ve developed a weekly structure that guides me on what to post when — though I vary when the mood strikes, like today! See bullet point two above about this one!
Now on the the cool experiences, harder to measure, but even more important!
- I feel more confident as a blogger.
- I perceive myself as an expert, and it seems others do too!
- I’m challenged to be more vulnerable, more brave, more adventurous in my posts.
- I’m learning how to market and promote by actually doing it all the while sharing what I’m learning with you!
- I have the experience of sharing the multitudinous ideas that rattle incessantly in my mind, and actually seeing them on the page.
- I have made some great connections with fellow authors and bloggers and Twitterers and cool peeps!
And I know I’m not alone in experiencing the benefits of daily writing and blogging. Just today 2 writers wrote about this topic, inspiring me to write on it too! Christina Katz talks about the writer’s high in writing daily. Love that! And new writer Marilyn Muniz shares her experiences of writing every day, nearly.
Do you write every day? What benefits are unlocked for you when you write every day?!
I love writing every day. It keeps the juices flowing. I don’t always get to, but I make a concerted effort to. If it’s just editing, that’s okay, too. I count that part of writing, because usually I’m re-writing sentences or if I’m editing someone else’s work, I’m suggesting new sentence structures and such. It still keeps the juices flowing. 🙂
Great post.
I should be writing every day!
Thank you Beth for the mention!
Writing each day is an amazing learning experience and every writer should attempt it.
You’re welcome Marilyn! Good luck w/ your writing!
Robin: Do you want to be?
Lynn, Thanks! I think editing counts as writing too. There’s a strong re-visioning process, a sinking into the creative meat of the story that is so delicious.
[…] Do you write every day? by Beth Barany […]
Thanks for the pingback, Marilyn!