Category: Book Promotion

E.L. James' 50 Shades of Grey 5

Why E.L. James’ 50 Shades of Grey is Popular and How You, Too, Can Be a Bestselling Author (Pt. 2 of 2)

In my last post, I revealed how I thought the reason E.L. James’ 50 Shades of Grey became so popular was because of the tie on the cover. Women all around the world were reading what they thought would be a light romance and instead practically fainted from the shock of reading about bondage, dominance, and sadism. Where else have we seen that? I’d say The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

E.L. James' 50 Shades of Grey 3

Why E.L. James’ 50 Shades of Grey is Popular and How You, Too, Can Be a Bestselling Author (Pt. 1 of 2)

I’ve heard a lot of erotica writers say, “I don’t get it! Why is 50 Shades of Grey so Popular?” Many of us get our panties in a bunch, jealous that someone else’s first-time work of erotica can be a national bestseller. The truth is, what Erika Leonard, aka E.L. James, did can be a guide for all of us fiction authors, and you, too, can become a bestselling author.


Book Marketing and Book Promotion for Shy Novelists

I’m reading SELL YOUR BOOK LIKE WILDFIRE by Rob Eagan and it’s decent. It’s more useful for nonfiction authors than fiction authors, IMHO. That disappoints me. I think fiction authors need more tailored support. (Yes, I’m working on it! My Twitter for Authors book is editorial as we speak. Can’t you see me working on it!)

Cat watching a great book trailer 3

How to Make a Great Book Trailer – Part 1 of 4

Many authors think the book trailer needs to show what your story’s about. The reality is that no one cares what your story’s about. They only care what experience your book will deliver. Too many book trailers I’ve seen spend the whole time showing the back cover blurb instead of expressing the emotional experience their book conveys. This is a series of articles on how to make a book trailer. Not just any book trailer, but a great book trailer!


Book Promotion: 5 Tips for Introverts

Most authors are introverts, and the lucky ones get to team up with an extravert who becomes their personal megaphone. I have spoken to many authors over the years, and most of them would just love it if I would take up the promotional piece for them, and they would be quite content sitting invisibly in the background.
