Author-Entrepreneur: Focus on What Matters
I don’t know about you guys, but I have been so distracted by all the conversations I’ve been having: on Facebook, on Twitter, on my online community for writers, We Write Books, through email, blogging. I love these things, but I have to consciously turn them off — turn off all the external conversations — so that I can focus on what matters. And what the hey is that?!
What does matter to you? To me?
I realized that what I’m avoiding is the very thing that can bring my book coaching and consulting business, or my author career, forward, and to the next — scary — step. {Sigh} As I become more visible, and face becoming more visible, I feel the fear. Do you know what I mean?
Despite the fear, I have been taking action…
So every day lately I’ve been setting aside a little time — starting with 5 minutes — to work on my long term scary project, now not so much long term, which is the launch of my courses at We Write Books University, and the launch of the flagship course: “We’re All In This Together: Social Media for Fiction Authors” 7-week course. I promise I’ll release more on this soon!
What do you want to focus on but are afraid to?
Just as it is with sociability in real life, I’m finding there’s an ebb and flow to my social media interactions. I’m hoping that it will begin to feel more like a natural cycle. It’s good to get up from the table and say goodbye, see you in a week or so, but I don’t always.
Hi Ien, Yes, there’s an ebb and flow to our social media interactions. The trick for me is finding what my pattern is. I’m still in a documenting while I act phase. I’m curious to hear more about your rhythm. Thanks for stopping by!