Tagged: overcome writer’s block
Welcome to Q & A Wednesdays by Book Mentor, Ezra Barany. This week Ezra answers the question, How can you motivate people to market the compilation they are published in? Getting your book in a compilation...
This is #6 in a series of articles on Spark Your Creativity Through the Numbers for Writers, posted on Saturdays, an ongoing series designed to inspire, motivate and get you writing up a storm! Tips shared here are inspired by my bestselling e-book, Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Writing Sparks to Ignite Your Creativity.
This is #5 in a series of articles on Spark Your Creativity Through the Numbers for Writers, posted on Saturdays, an ongoing series designed to inspire, motivate and get you writing up a storm! Tips shared here are inspired by my bestselling e-book, Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Writing Sparks to Ignite Your Creativity.
Welcome to our bi-weekly posts from guest columnist, Bobbye Terry. This week she offers fun tips for thinking outside the box. We’re curious to hear your tips too! Share your thoughts with us! Thanks!...
Apply the number 4 to your story. Which of your characters has these traits? What aspect of your story structure could be enhanced by using elements of the number 4? What part of your writing life could you a dose of the number 4?
Welcome to our Saturday post on Creativity. This week I feature a post on creativity and dreaming by guest columnist, Paula Chaffee Scardamalia, Story Muse and Dream Coach. How do you use dreams to...
Enjoy our weekly video in our Sunday Videos for Authors series. Which tip do you like the most? I like, nay LOVE, timed writing! And yes, this is me with shorter hair and more makeup! I talk kinda fast, don’t I?!
The number three is a wonderful number, and complicates things in a fun and creative way, depending on your perspective! We went from singular — 1 — to dual — 2 — to triangular, which adds a whole new layer, don’t you think?
Hot off the presses! I recently asked my friends at the Indie Authors Unite on Facebook (and their site) what their #1 marketing tip was. Here’s what they had to say!
The number TWO is one of favorite. Because I’m a Gemini. I love doing things with a partner. I need a mirror. I want to hear myself talk, and that’s hard to do alone. LOL Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I’m a writer. You know, “It takes two to tango.” That kind of thing.
This is #1 in a series of articles on Spark Your Creativity Through the Numbers for Writers, a new weekly series designed to inspire you, motivate you and get you writing up a storm!...
This is #5 in a series of articles on Creativity and Inspiration for Writers. Tips shared here are inspired by my e-book, Overcome Writer’s Block, and will soon also be part of a course at We Write Books community. How can we be a better writers, or get re-inspired in our writing? Let’s tap into our five senses. I’ve already written about sight, sound, smell and touch. Today is taste!
This is #4 in a series of articles on Creativity and Inspiration for Writers. Tips shared here are inspired by my ebook, Overcome Writer’s Block, and will soon also be part of a course...
This is #3 in a series of articles on Creativity and Inspiration for Writers. Tips shared here are inspired by my ebook, Overcome Writer’s Block, and will soon also be part of a course at We Write Books community How can we be a better writers? Or maybe you’d like to get re-inspired in your writing. We can step away from the words and dive into our most primal sense of smell!
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