INDIE AUTHORS: What is Your #1 Tip for Marketing?

Indie Authors Unite

Indie Authors Unite

Hot off the presses! I recently asked my friends at the Indie Authors Unite on Facebook what their #1 marketing tip was. Here’s what they had to say!

Be sure to add your tips to the comments. Thanks!

Faith Mortimer, author of the historical novel The Crossing, says to get out and address groups. She’s given a short presentation to Ladies Luncheon Clubs and Book Clubs. She’s off on a cruise and plans to address a group there and hand out business cards “to anyone reading with an e reader at the 4 International airports” she’ll be traveling through. She adds: “The writer MUST get out and about, marketing themselves and their book. It won’t happen without some hard work!

For more information on Faith and her books go to her site: or visit her on Facebook:

Suzanne Tyrpak, author of the historical suspense set in Rome Vestal Virgin (Dec 2010),, says, “Becom[ing] a member of the Kindleboards community has been the best promo practice for me. Not just posting about books, but getting to know people, picking up tips, learning and sharing information.”

Suzanne’s Amazon Author page: .

Mira Kolar-Brown, mystery author of Lock Up Your Daughters, writes:

“For those who do not write for mass market it’s very important and extremely difficult to find a way to introduce themselves to their target readership, because those readers rarely trawl the Kindle Boards or even read e-books. For that reason I’m planning to have some printed books done in the near future too. In the meantime, I’m following the websites of those authors whose readership I’d like to share. I don’t advertise there but I do hint in online discussion that I write books too and then just wait for someone to express an interest. It’s a long and slow process, but I’ve made some sales on the back of it and had a good response.”

Mira Kolar-Brown writes the Simon Grant Mysteries series, set in Northamptonshire, UK.

Al Boudreau, Author of the political thriller, In Memory of Greed says:

“I find that Twitter is invaluable for promoting, but it must be done through conversations with fellow Twitter members, not sending endless tweets about your book. One must give before they expect to receive. I try to help promote other authors and produce blog posts that help others as well. It really seems to be working.”

More about Al Boudreau and his books at his site:

David Lender, author of the financial thriller, Trojan Horse says:

“The most important thing I’ve done is join the Kindle Writing Group on Facebook. It’s given me an education and perspective on the ebook publishing and marketing process that would have taken me 10 times longer to get on my own. Second best thing I did was buy copies of 5 books I wanted to show up as “customers who bought this book also bought these books” on Amazon. Then I sent some money to 4 friends and had them do the same. That gave my book 5 thrillers as comparables from the start. One thing I hadn’t expected from that was my book showed up on those books’ lists as well, which got sales started with the right target segment readers. It cost a little money but I considered that a promotion expense.”

More on David Lender at his website:

Lia Fairchild, author of In Search of Lucy, states: “Learn everything you can from your fellow writers. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions. They are usually very nice and helpful.”

Sibel Hodge, author of the romantic comedy Mr Perfect Wedding says:

“For me I think it’s been socializing with other readers and writers. Writing blog posts, interacting with others on forums and twitter about a wide range of topics (not constantly plugging your own books). First and foremost, though, you have to write a good book with a good blurb and good cover. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising.”


“Be yourself. Being comfortable in your own skin makes others comfortable with you, too. If people feel relaxed and happy in your company, they will be more inclined to help you achieve your goals. Always treat others … as you expect to be treated yourself. Remember that no one is above or below you. The only time we should be above someone is when we’re bending down to pick them up. Be honest and share yourself with others. If you are a genuine person who helps out others, you will be more likely to achieve personal success.”

More on Sibel Hodge and her books at:

Thea Atkinson, author of Formed of Clay: an ancient novella of betrayal (book 1 in the Flesh of the Gods series) dittos Sibel. She says, “I started selling when I began networking and helping others out. the old pay it forward AND pay it back approach.”

More on Thea Atkinson and her books at:

Mark Adair, author of the thriller The Father’s Child says, “Being transparent might be #1 for me…inviting them into your journey and helping them with theirs.”

More on Mark Adair and his books, go to:

L.C. Evans author of the author of the Leigh McRae horse mystery The Witness Wore Blood Bay: “Don’t try to go it alone.”

Debbie Bennett, author of the psychological thriller Hamelin’s Child says:

“My no 1 tip – being brave! It’s like admitting I’m a closet alcoholic at work, finally admitting to my secret other life of being a writer. It’s about being proud of the fact and not worried about what people might think about *me* when they read my story. Especially given the controversial nature of what I write.”

More at:

Seb Kirby, author of the thriller, Take No More: says “Top tip: work hard. Join a network of like-minded authors like [Indie Authors Unite].”

Thanks everyone for your tips.

Readers, I’m curious about your tips! Please do share. Thanks!


Beth Barany is the author of YA fantasy novel, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and other fine books. Her biggest tip for success as an indie author: Ask for help! And look what support and richness comes!
Beth Barany is the author and publisher of the Writer’s Fun Zone blog. She is also the author of the  the nonfiction books, The Writer’s Adventure Guide, and Overcome Writer’s Block. All available at Amazon and other online retailers at your fingertips.

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  • I loved having an opportunity to stick my say in. Thanks so much for doing this. it was a great compilation of quick info. I love the variety of genres you have represented.

    good show

  • Love this post! I think helping other authors while you help yourself is good advice. The Pay It Forward approach is one I’ve been using with several author authors since my first book came out. I don’t know if it’s the best way to promote, but I haven’t found a better way to network with like minded writers.

    As a bonus, I find you learn quickly what you can’t stand as far as promo goes (like when other authors starts spamming you) and are less likely to make those mistakes. That’s how I see it anyway. What attracts you to a book is what you should use to attract others.


  • Beth,

    Thanks for following me, I am following back.

    Nicole Weaver

  • Wow! great post.

    I am a novice, I am just now learning the ropes. I am part of a yahoo group, we help each other by writing reviews and guest posts. This has been helpful. I still have a lot to learn.
    Nicole Weaver

  • Beth Barany says:

    So glad you love this post! It was fun getting everyone’s replies! The Pay It Forward approach does seem to work the best! Generosity helps us all be better writers and have more successful careers. So true about finding out what kind of promo you can’t stand. For me it’s when authors don’t really know how to talk about their book. I don’t even get a chance to promote them if I can’t figure out what they’re selling


  • Beth Barany says:

    Thanks Nicole! There’s always a lot to learn. Welcome to the club of authors!
    Beth Barany

  • Beth Barany says:

    Thanks for being part of the show Thea!

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