Tagged: indie authors


Artist Entrepreneur: When Do You Ask For Help?

When do you ask for help? And I mean all kinds of help: financial, emotional, psychological, spiritual, etc. One of the traits often associated with artist and entrepreneurs is independence. Speaking just about myself, I am that gal who said from a very young age, “I can do it myself.”

The Torah Codes by Ezra Barany 3

Author Entrepreneur: Do You Make The Time to Succeed?

Many authors think that the writing and publishing is the hard part. But actually your work is just getting started. Are you making time to market, connect with your readers, or even communicate to your readers and tell the world that your cool book is available or soon will be?! If you just take a few steps regularly — 15 to 30 minutes a day — you’ll find more readers, create more opportunities for people to tell their friends about you and ultimately sell more books!


CRAFT: What does Author Convenience and Aristotle have to do with each other?

Authors have a job to do and they have to fool readers in order to do it. In good writing, the author seems to disappear and the reader gets lost in the story. It’s as if the story is telling itself. Yet author convenience, or author intrusion, breaks through the story veil and doesn’t let the reader get caught up in the story.


How to Sell to Libraries – Top 10 Strategies for Independent Authors and Publishers

Welcome to the Monday series on Resources for Indie Authors. This week I feature an guest post from Dana Lynn Smith, book marketing coach and author. Thanks Dana! All resources I use and cull from my life as an Independent Publishing Consultant and Book Coach, published author, and indie author in fiction! I’ve used some of these ideas to get featured in my local library.


CRAFT: The Art of Mixing Humor and Suspense

Welcome to the another article in the Craft series, this one by Bobbye Terry, a frequent guest columnist at the Writer’s Fun Zone. // “Mixing humor with suspense?” you ask. “Surely you jest.” No, I don’t. For one of the few times in print, I’m completely serious.


TWITTER TUESDAY: How to Use Your Twitter Bios

I’m inspired by Kristen Lamb to do a Twitter Tuesdays series. Today is #2! I’m inspired by Kristen and her book, We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media… as you may have guessed by reading this blog. 🙂 Today we’ll focus on how to use your Twitter bio to show off your author platform to its best advantage.1111


INDIE AUTHOR RESOURCES: How to Get Your Book on the Nook and the Kindle and Smashwords

Welcome to the weekly series on Resources for Indie Authors. All resources I use and cull from my life as an Independent Publishing Consultant and Book Coach, published author, and indie author in fiction! Most indie authors will do well to have their books on the Kindle, the Nook, and at Smashwords — which allows readers to download in multiple formats.
