Your Writing Exercise… is to Exercise! Move Your Body, Move Your Writing by Kristen Caven

Zumba ClassToday we welcome a new guest writer to Writer’s Fun Zone, Kristen Caven who is stopping by to chat with us today about “Your Writing Exercise… is to Exercise! Move Your Body, Move Your Writing.”  Enjoy!


You don’t get anything done as a writer without having some sort of writing routine. An exercise routine can help you write better because when you put your body to work, your brain gets a re-boost as well.

What kind of exercise is best for a writer? The kind that you can do regularly, that is easy to get into, and that gives you real pleasure. Anything that feels like a “should” is not sustainable. Unless you really get sparked by fighting with yourself on a daily basis. Here is a guide to five types of exercise that can keep you fit for writing.

  1. Mindless

Some types of exercise, once you know how to do them, are just ways to lose yourself in exercise. Swimming, running, spinning, and cycling are ways to just go sweat. (They all bore me to death, but if they work for you, do them!)

  1. Meditative

Eastern practices like Yoga, T’ai chi or QiGong ask the mind to focus on what the body is doing, and pay attention to what is happening inside of you. They are amazing for curing health issues and teach you a lot about being human. Any mind-body integrated exercise helps a writer clear the ego, which can help writing flow.

  1. Social

Team sports – soccer, Frisbee, baseketball—get your heart pumping and give you a chance to be with other human beings. This is hugely important since writers tend to isolate and live in their heads, hanging out with imaginary people all day. Most writerly types tend to shy away from team sports — if you’re one of those but still want a social sport, take a ballroom dance class!

  1. Mental

Activities that fully engage your mind as well as your body are great for getting away from your project and sharpening up your brain. Ballet, martial arts, and horseback riding are fully engaging activities that make you feel like you’ve really been away.

  1. Relaxing

Walking is the über-exercise for writers. You get your feet started, and let your mind wander. The first half-hour is for your body, and anything after that sets your mind at ease. Humans evolved walking 12 hours a day, and our brains and bodies are built for it. Daily walks are a cornerstone of sustainable mental health, and your dog likes them, too. Hiking gets us into nature, an extra source of nourishment.

I need constant change and stimulation, so I used to have to schedule my writing around my playtime. I personally love doing Zumba because it is mentally and physically challenging, and it provides infinite possibilities. I became an instructor because learning choreography is demandingly creative…and if my students need me, I HAVE to show up!



Kristen CavenAuthor, blogger, and artist, Kristen Caven, a.k.a. KRS-10, is the writers’ Zumba teacher! Her music is particularly eclectic, and many of her songs tell a story. Join her class at the beautiful Bellevue Club in Oakland on Wednesday mornings. More about her books and creations at



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