Blogging as the Center of Your Social Media, Especially your Tags

WE ARE NOT ALONE: The Writer's Guide to Social Media by Kristen LambThis is a weekly post on social media for authors, usually appearing on Thursdays. Tuesdays is good, too.

Authors, take note of this simple fact:

“The more often you blog the more site visitors you will have,
and the more people will know about you, and buy your books!”

So, blog strategically.

What does this mean?

You want your target readers to find you.

In a recent interview I did with Kristen Lamb on social media for authors, I really got the importance of tags to help your readers find you. (Kristen’s book is awesome, btw. I’m just sayin’.)

Who are your readers?

Make a list of key words that describe them. If you write more than one genre, write a list for each genre.

Those words are your tags, in Internet speak. Include them in the Tags when you draft a post. See image on the left and below.

Post Tags (WordPress)

I write for authors on creativity, writing, book coaching, publishing, indie authors, indie publishing, social media for authors, blogging, book writing, inspiration, how to write a book from the inside out … well, you get the picture. All those words are my tags. I add the appropriate ones to each post. And I write a blog post daily.

I also write young adult fantasy and write a list for that audience. My audience, the readers I want to attract, are interested in fantasy, fairy tales, dragons, Tolkien, swords, adventure, folktales, magic, sorcery, potions, spells, special powers, myths, legends, tall tales, etc. If I write a post using some of those words — and you know I will — I’ll also be sure to include them in the Tags.

What is your audience typing into the search engines?

That’s what you want to blog about and those are the words — yes, keywords in Internet parlance — that your readers, and potential readers — are looking for.

When I was seven years old, I went into my school library and asked the school librarian how to find magic books. She taught me how to use the card catalog. Remember those? I’ve never looked back since!

Do you guys agree? Is blogging the center of your social media?

Happy Writing!

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