Tagged: independent publishing


Indie Author Spotlight: Cheryl Shireman

Welcome to Indie Author Mondays, where I feature articles and interviews about the exciting field of independent author publishing. This week I feature an author interview with Cheryl Shireman; she’s spunky, she’s independent and she’s full of vim and vigor. I’m inspired just interviewing her. Enjoy!


How to Sell to Libraries – Top 10 Strategies for Independent Authors and Publishers

Welcome to the Monday series on Resources for Indie Authors. This week I feature an guest post from Dana Lynn Smith, book marketing coach and author. Thanks Dana! All resources I use and cull from my life as an Independent Publishing Consultant and Book Coach, published author, and indie author in fiction! I’ve used some of these ideas to get featured in my local library.


Blogging as the Center of Your Social Media, Especially your Tags

This is a weekly post on social media for authors, usually appearing on Thursdays. Tuesdays is good, too. Authors, take note of this simple fact: “The more often you blog the more site visitors you will have, and the more people will know about you, and buy your books!”
