Stories of Strong Women: The Serpent Slayer

The Serpent Slayer and Other Stories of Strong Women, retold by Katrin Tchana; illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman

The Serpent Slayer and Other Stories of Strong Women, retold by Katrin Tchana; illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman

I am a young adult fantasy writer. My debut novel, Henrietta, the Dragon Slayer, will be released this spring!

Yesterday I was making a list of all the things I thought my readers of my young adult fantasy novel would like and realized as I was drifting off to sleep that I forgot one very important element: stories about strong young women.  I knew just what to feature in my Wednesday post on Fantasy!

The Serpent Slayer and Other Stories of Strong Women, retold by Katrin Tchana; illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman.

I so love this book. It’s a big picture-book sized book, with full color watercolor illustrations, and is a collection of eighteen stories about heroines!

“Move over, Jack the Giant Killer, Prince Charming and all the other heroes of our most familiar folk and fairy tales. Here is a collection of eighteen stories about heroines. girls and women with as much courage, wit, and intelligence as their better known male counterparts.”

The title story is about Li Chi, who battles a fierce serpent with her trusty dog to save her townspeople. I bought the book for that story alone!

I highly recommend you check out this book if you love your heroines plucky, smart and strong!

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  • Virna DePaul says:

    Beth, I can’t wait to read Henrietta! Congratulations on the upcoming release!!

  • Perer F. says:

    Wow, congratulations! You’re publishing? Sounds like you’re slaying a dragon of your own. Can’t wait to hear more details!

  • Beth Barany says:

    Hi Virna and Perer, Yep! I’m publishing soon! Thanks!

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