Tagged: inspiration


Artist Entrepreneur: When Do You Ask For Help?

When do you ask for help? And I mean all kinds of help: financial, emotional, psychological, spiritual, etc. One of the traits often associated with artist and entrepreneurs is independence. Speaking just about myself, I am that gal who said from a very young age, “I can do it myself.”


Social Media Tip for Authors #6: Share

Welcome to my Social Media for Author Tip Series, where I offer you tips to put into practice the your social media tips so that you can: * Connect with your readers and get to know them * Let them get to know you * Build your network * Create your author platform — Today’s Tip #6: Share — Share what? Share yourself, your humanity, your vulnerability, a slice of your daily life? Why? Because we all want to connect with each other, feel each other’s humanity, belong and be loved.
