Tagged: fantasy


When Do Heroes Sleep?

Since I write heroic fiction, I am a hero, too, right? So when do we sleep? Right now, I’m being a hero for my clients… and Henrietta … Still getting enough sleep would be...


Kick Ass Heroines: Part #4

Today I continue my exploration of the Kick Ass Heroines, like Xena, that I love in books, movies and TV shows, and highlight more of their characteristics. I’d love to know what you think! Did I leave any out?! What would you add to this list?


Kick Ass Heroines: Part #3

I talked earlier about the Bad Girl Archetype: We Love Her, We Hate Her, We Want to Be Her and Characteristics of a Kick-Ass Heroine Archetype. You could call them Part 1 and 2, if you want! Today I continue my exploration of these Kick Ass Heroines that I love in books, movies and TV shows. Hence, part #3!


Books Are Our Escape

Let me ask you something. Why do you read? I read to escape. I have a good life. But when I read and escape I actually find myself again, in a renewed way.
