Tagged: book marketing


A Different Kind of Crowdfunding for Authors

About 5 months ago, I started a Patreon account, a crowdfunding site support creatives. What is Patreon, you ask? Patreon helps creator achieve sustainable income. I use it to help support my mission dedicated to empower...


Not a Solo Flight by Catharine Bramkamp

We all know the legend of Jack London the adventurer and prodigious writer. He is held up to authors as the epitome of the writer’s work ethic, publishing 50 fiction and non fiction books and hundreds of articles. He made his living by writing and always, always writing at least a 1,000 words a da


Are You A Victim of Goal Setting? by Carol Malone

In a previous article, I explained how the whole notion of goal setting and I got off in the wrong foot. I feared the whole system of goal setting and didn’t trust myself to know what goal to set nor how to accomplish it.
