Need Free Book Marketing Support, Try a Virtual Buddy!

  • Are you looking for free book marketing support?
  • Do you want to handle, manage, organize your book marketing but don’t know where to begin?
  • Do you know what to do, but just don’t have the time?

Then you may be helped by having a virtual buddy.

Well, I’m looking for buddies to do fiction book marketing with, virtual buddies!

You can see what I’m talking about here in this short video on Facebook:

Or watch yesterday’s check in video here:

A special shout out to one of my former clients, author Holly Felmlee​, in honor of the release of her first book, a historical fiction for kids, called The Pinched Pinkney Papers: A Constitutional Convention Kids Mystery Featuring Betsy Applewright.

Why a Virtual Buddy

It’s free. We writers like free.

As for not knowing where to begin, sometimes the best place to begin is with the first item on your to-do list. Or the one that catches your eye, or heart, or soul. And knowing that your virtual buddy is working on her list too can be encouraging.

Lastly, knowing a buddy is working in her small corner of the world can encourage you to work on your book marketing activities. Same as above 🙂

Need more book marketing support?

I am a teacher and a coach, after all!

Get all the nuts and bolts to get your fiction book marketing up and running in my Branding and Marketing for Novelists homestudy course here.

A Selection of Other Barany School of Fiction Book Marketing Courses

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