Tagged: bestseller

Bestseller on Kitty's Kindle 4

How KDP Select Will Make You An Amazon Bestseller

If you want to become an Amazon bestseller, going through Amazon’s KDP Select program is a great way to do it. But it takes more than just signing up with KDP Select. By following a simple process I’ve outlined below, you can practically guarantee becoming an Amazon bestseller.


3 Steps to a Good Book Title That Sells

Welcome to our weekly guest column by Ezra Barany, the Book Mentor and author of the bestselling novel The Torah Codes. He offers indie novelists important tips, entirely under our control, to help our books be discovered by readers all over the world. This week he focuses on the three elements of a good book title that will help your book sell.

How to Make More Book Sales 0

How to Make More Book Sales

Many people think selling their novel takes a lot of time and energy. Well here’s a way that you can set up an automatic system in place to sell your novel to your market. That means there is no going on-line, no going to mixers, no social media, no networking. And you don’t even have to pay for this incredible system! If you have a twitter account, an email account, and just take the time to set this system up, you can have this automated marketing machine working for you in about an hour.


Predictor of Author Success

Welcome to Artist Entrepreneur Fridays, where we focus having a successful author career from the business and strategic perspectives. This week I have guest post from Tak Shiota, a Social Media Consultant with FriesenPress,...


Market and Sell Your Book Now

You may think that marketing and selling your books is a scary prospect, but actually marketing and selling is essential to your career as an author. And if you uncover your style of marketing and selling, then ultimately you will sell more books. Active in several online social networks, Beth has sold books and gotten new clients from her interactions on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. But it wasn’t always this way…


Marketing and Sales for Authors (Bestseller, anyone?!)

Just writing the title of this post made me cringe. Yet… Marketing and sales is the lifeblood of an author. Isn’t it? Most authors think that it’s just enough to write the d**m book, and make it the best they can — marketing and sales be d**mned. Or maybe they know they can move 2,000 books, but not the 10,000 in 2 weeks that will guarantee them…


Alchemy of a Bestseller

You may think that writing a nonfiction bestseller is hard. But actually, a nonfiction bestseller is easy to create and sell, but not simple. If you just put into place a few key aspects, then you will have a book your audience can’t wait to buy.


From Book to Bestseller: What it Takes to Crack the List (and why you might not want to)

In the past 15 months, we’ve had 10 books on the bestseller list. When I say “bestseller” I mean major lists: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, et al. Still, even after numerous books and a variety of lists, the “list” itself still confounded me, so I decided to do a little research to find out what it really takes to hit a list.
