24 Search results

For the term "healthy writers club".

Healthy Writers Club: Just Go Fo It!

About weekly I share my Exercise Log to stay accountable to my commitment to my health and to the Healthy Writers Club, a collection of writers dedicated to health and movement started by author Shallee McArthur. In this log, I also reflect on my writing, creativity, and a creative life.


Healthy Writers Club: Write to Live, Live to Write

Inspired by Josh Clark’s article on the site, coolrunning.com, I’ve been doing a Couch-to-5K training since Oct 2012. About weekly I share my Exercise Log to stay accountable to my commitment to my health and...


Healthy Writers Club: Restarting After Thanksgiving

I did do my week #3 of my own Couch-to-5K program, inspired by Josh Clark’s article on the site, coolrunning.com. But during the Thanksgiving week, I skipped exercising other than my normal up-and-down the hill, a 9-minute walk each way.


Healthy Writers Club: Move and Write

This has been a mixed week for exercise, what with the cold and wet weather starting. I felt a little off my game, since I started week #2 of my own Couch-to-5K program, inspired by Josh Clark’s article on the site, coolrunning.com.


Writing Outside by Faith Van Horne

Not only that, recent studies are also lauding the health benefits of simply being in nature. In addition to lowering our blood pressure, evidence is mounting that time spent in natural setting may even help restore our ability to perform attention-needing tasks.
