Healthy Writers Club: Move More Than Your Brain by Beth Barany

The Healthy Writers Club imageInspired by Josh Clark’s article on the site,, I’ve been doing a Couch-to-5K training since Oct 2012. Really, I have. With breaks.

About weekly I share my Exercise Log to stay accountable to my commitment to my health and to the Healthy Writers Club, a collection of writers dedicated to health and movement started by author Shallee McArthur. In this log, I also reflect on my writing, creativity, and a creative life.

And because some people have asked, and I’ve mentioned it in previous posts, I use the cool iPhone app called Seconds Pro (their site: to stay focused for this interval training. I love this app because I can customize it for each week’s training.

Saturday, Jan. 26 to Feb. 5th: I can’t remember what I did work out wise… Didn’t keep track. I do know that I felt like a slug a lot of the time. When there’s lots of transition in my life, I have a hard time working out. Do you find that’s true for you too?

I do also notice that the Couch-to-5K training was getting too hard, so I stopped. Does that ever happen for you?

It took for a few weeks to readjust. I decided that I needed to make things simple for myself. Why make things hard? (Well, because that’s been my MO [modus operandi]…)

I don’t want “hard” anymore. I want “easy”. I want “simple”. I want the buzz that comes from getting sweating, raising my heart rate, taking a mental break, and letting the wisdom of my body take center stage.

I feel that we have so much wisdom in our bodies… I want to listen more closely to mine.

Wednesday, Feb. 6: Capoeira. I was able to do pair work pretty comfortably!

Monday, Feb. 18th: Walked. just walked to get moving.

Tuesday, Feb. 19: Walked. Just walked.

Wednesday, Feb. 20: Capoeira. I did more pair work; I’m getting used to it. I’d like to attribute my comfort to my focus, dedication — I’m not giving up — and watching the masters in the beautiful video here. Check it out!

Saturday, Feb. 23: Walked. and jogged!!!!! for half of the workout. I felt strong, and ready. I realized something: that if I workout from a place of “no effort” it’s so much fun! Like showing up for the page. It’s all about just showing up. Nothing more. Just bringing myself in the now.

Monday, Feb. 25: Walked…

Wednesday, Feb. 27: Capoeira…

Friday, March 1: Walked…


Healthy Writers Club_running_pictogramMore info on the Healthy Writers Club and
my fellow writers participating here:

At last count we are up to 32 writers! Woot! Together we are strong! Shallee, Thanks for creating this movement!

A shout out to Shallee for getting back into it. Stars Wars Kinect! Cool!



How about you? Share your exercise and how it supports your writing, both casual and otherwise, below, and let’s support each other!


Beth Barany, Author, Speaker, Creativity Coach for WritersPS. When I’m not walking, or writing, I help authors create successful books and careers, as a writing coach and book marketing consultant and advisor. If you want personalized, tailored one-on-one support, that’s what I’m excellent at.

Contact me for a Discovery Session to see how a writing coach, award-winning author, Certified Creativity Coach and Master NLP Practitioner can help you fall in love with your writing, again. Sign up for a 60-Minute Complimentary Coaching Discovery Session here. I give away 10 slots per month, and I’m booking for January and February 2013 now.


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  • Linda Ursin says:

    I do strength training twice a week at the physical therapist’s office, because of chronic joint and back issues, but I should really get some more cardio in. I hope spring will bring some more energy to get me back on track.

  • Bonnie Gean says:

    I often sit here bridled with a pen and chair, allowing the words to escape me. There are times when I can’t stop and others when I can’t start. Every day is different.

    Though, I have found that when I get stuck, it’s best to get up and get outside. The fresh air helps kick my muse back into gear and I can continue scribbling across the page.

    I haven’t exercised much, but that’s going to change! I need to get healthier than I am and there’s no better time like the present! Thanks for sharing!

  • Maddy says:

    I always like the idea of exercising, in theory, it’s just the practice that escapes me. Inspirational none the less, especially the musical accompaniment.

  • Maddy says:

    Looks like a great app too.

  • Beth Barany says:

    Linda, I hope this spring weather will help ou get moving more!

    Bonnie, You’re welcome! Hope you will get moving more and join us in the Healthy Writers Club!

    Maddy, You’re so funny! Glad you liked the musical accompaniment. Me too! Check out the app; it may help ou get moving!

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