The Healthy Writers Club! Join us!

I just discovered this club and I’m thrilled. I need all the help I can get to get moving again!

I’ve been recovering from a cold after almost 2 weeks in Europe. As soon as I feel up to it, I’ll be back at my weekly Capoeira class at Capoeira Mandinga.

Last week, I did take my weekly walk with my good friend, and life coach, Meta.

Writers, let’s move more! More info here:

On my wish list: A standing Desk. An article about that here: “From Sitting To Standing While Typing: Why You Need To Change Your Working Habit.”

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  • LisaAnn says:

    Welcome to the club! I just jumped on board myself, and I’m really looking forward to the mutual motivation!

  • Beth Barany says:

    LisaAnn, Thanks for the welcome! I so look forward to the mutual motivation too! Thanks for stopping by!

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