Introducing NLP for Novelists 💖 by Beth Barany

Introducing NLP for Novelists by Beth Barany In this post, I introduce my service NLP for Writers.


Is this you?

— You love writing, but you feel stuck in the process. That’s so frustrating.

— You want the writing process to feel easier and would like to bring more joy to your process.

— You feel that what’s in your way of writing has nothing to do with writing and you’d like to make some changes, but have no idea where to begin.

— You know the pain of never being able to find your “home” within your creative work, but you so desire to find your way there.

If you said yes to any of the above statements, then you are ready for a Coming Back Home to Your Writing Self Session. Great! Keep reading!

In our session, I use NLP and other change-work and healing tools to help you reconnect with your intrinsic creative mojo, so you can circle back to your happy writing self with peace, ease, and joy.

In a Coming Back Home to Your Writing Self session, we spend 1.5 to 2 hours together, usually over Zoom, where we get entirely curious about how things are, so we can create the change you’d like.

What is NLP?

NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming. It’s a way to help you have what you want without having to “work” to be different than who you are. I’ve been trained in heart-based transformational NLP that is gentle, respectful, and above all, useful.


I tell my writers — and myself — that it all counts.

All of our life experiences feed into our art and our art enriches our life.

I do this work of helping authors because I KNOW that we have gifts in our stories that readers NEED to hear — yearn to hear and feel.

In the hearing is healing.

In stories is healing.

Our job as novelists is to write stories that invite readers to escape and become a new person, then come back home to themselves refreshed and renewed.


I’ve been helping writers for years, even before I had any formal training. I’ve always been fascinated by how to put a compelling story together.

But before I could manage that, I spent 12 years day-dreaming about being a novelist before I actually started my first novel. During those 12 years, I started work in journalism. That I could manage.

At 30 years old, I applied to journalism school, but I got rejected. What was I going to do? The safe route just got banged shut to me. Once I picked myself up, I realized that I needed to embrace my true dream of being a novelist. So I started on my first novel. Getting rejected from journalism school helped me face my true writing desire.

Any action toward writing was better than staying in that day-dreaming state.

Actions like brainstorming by writing, writing down story ideas, writing scenes, getting feedback on my writing, etc.

Ultimately I am curious about everything, especially understanding myself and other people. And being a novelist allows me to explore humanity and all our ways of being.

I didn’t know yet about NLP, but I’d studied at the Berkeley Psychic Institute in their Clairvoyant program, so at that point I knew enough about myself to face the truth of what I really wanted.

And what I really wanted was to write novels.

So in 1998, I took action and joined a fiction writing group and got started on my first novel. Actually starting this novel felt so good, even though the process seemed to take so long.

Fast forward to 2006. I’d written 2 novels and had started my third; and I started my business helping writers and saw many authors with issues and concerns outside of my own, with their different problems and struggles than the kinds I had.

Some writers were new to the commitment of writing and were doubting their right to be creative. Some really wanted to be writing novels, but didn’t feel capable.

Others lacked so much confidence in their writing, they wanted to quit, but the thought of quitting caused them distress. What they all had in common was that they weren’t happy writers.

They were frustrated and in pain about their love of writing.

I wanted to help them to return to the thing they loved: writing their novels. But I felt that my training as a creativity coach — while super useful — wasn’t helping me get to the heart of things.

When I discovered NLP, I experienced how it helped me understand others better and myself, and help effect change in a loving gentle way, I was super excited. I had to learn how to help people with this powerful tool.

In March 2012, I was certified as a Master NLP Practitioner at NLP Marin, and have spent the last (near) decade years gently integrating NLP into my practice as a creativity coach for writers.

NLP now helps me understand where you’re coming from and how you create change; it helps me step onto your map of the world and work from there.

Now I’m ready to share this wonderful way of helping people with you.


NLP can help you have the life you’d like, in ways that are gentle and respectful of all of you — past, present, and future. Benefits include:

— You will become more emotionally available to do the work you desire.

— You’ll be able to come back home to your writing self and your Source.

— You’ll be more of who you want to be.

— You’ll ignite your core motivation for writing.

— You’ll uncover or rediscover ease at coming to the page.

— You’ll become more focused and productive with your writing.

— You’ll be able to let go of mental blocks and beliefs that keep you from expressing and publishing your ideas.

— You can find your writer voice.


For our NLP session, we spend 2-hours together, usually over Zoom. We schedule this to our mutual convenience.

Session Follow Up: I’ll also send you an email check-in 2-3 days after our session, so that you can ask questions, request clarifications, and check in about any follow up you may need. The work we do together has ripple effects into your life. We’ll make space for and acknowledge that.

Ready to sign up?

Contact me here.

Let me know if you have any questions about how NLP helps writers. Thanks!

Have a creative week!

All my best,



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