To Blog and Beyond in 2020 by Keri Kruspe

To Blog and Beyond in 2020 by Keri KruspeLet’s welcome back monthly columnist Keri Kruspe as she shares with us “To Blog and Beyond in 2020.” Enjoy!


As 2020 slugs on, I’ve taken stock of what I’d like to add to my repertoire as a romance writer. 

Back in May, I’d written an article (here) about searching for other avenues of revenue I could pursue along with my author’s career. 

While I haven’t found anything concrete (I’m still looking), I have found I enjoy writing these monthly articles. 

So much so, I’ve branched out and now have another monthly blog at The Paranormal Romantics site scheduled for the 10th of each month.

Taking on this new venture, I decided to get a better understanding on what a blog is as opposed to an article. 

Basically, the difference is moot, except an article is usually around 1,500 to 5,000 words while a blog is around 1,000. 

What is a blog supposed to do?

Now the next question is, what a blog is supposed to do? 

Back in 2012, James Debono from business2community wrote:

“The purpose of a blog is to aid marketing to a point where the content you deliver is targeted specifically to the wants and needs of your audience. Provide answers to their most commonly asked questions or provide advice to areas within your niche that your business is an expert on.” 

Woman and computerOkay, that sounds good. As a published author, marketing is something I should become well versed in to make my writing business successful. 

Does anyone read blogs anymore in 2020?

So, the main question is, does anyone read blogs anymore in 2020? Has social media made them obsolete? 

In other words, do people still read something that has 1,000 words, even if it only takes them on average 7.7 minutes to do so?

In an article on Dreamscribe, titled “The Future of Blogging,” the author, Katie, brings up some interesting points to consider:

People Still Love to Read

  • 77% of internet users read blogs regularly.

Social Media Platforms Offer a Lack of Control

  • We don’t own Instagram/Twitter/Facebook.
    • Therefore, we have no control if they come or go.

The Number of People Starting to Blog is Growing

  • More people who love to create content are choosing to start their own blog.

Businesses are Relying on Blogs More Than Ever

  • 65% of consumers are adamant that a blog adds credibility to a company website.

Her conclusion: Blogs will grow in 2020. 

However, the content of a blog is changing. She lists three things to be conscious of:

  1. Produce content that showcases your authority in your niche (i.e. paranormal romance writer – like mwah.)
  2. Make sure your blog design is mobile responsive. (Beth taught me that one when I was doing my newsletters.)
  3. Build relationships with your readers by interacting with them. (I’m still working on that one).

As an author, what should I write about/blog about? 

writerAfter a little research I found that the content of any article I write has to be in line with its consistency. 

There has to be a schedule that works and stick with it

To that end, I’ve committed myself to write two articles monthly. 

I like to focus on articles that help others in their journey to self-publish – letting folks see and feel my frustrations on being a newbie in the industry. 

See, that is a key. Write consistently on the same subject. 

One of the things working in the self-publishing industry has brought home a huge fact to me – it takes a heapin’ amount of patience. 

Patience in finding who you are as an artist, as well as what you’d like to bring into the world. 

The same can be said for the articles you write: if I make a continual impression on my author’s life, folks will recognize when I have a new blog out, they’d like to see how I’m doing. 

Maybe I can pass some information that will save them time/money/frustration and help them avoid making the same mistakes I did.

Another Hint about Blogging 

Another hint about blogging – if you don’t like doing it… don’t.

If you force yourself, the material can come out contrived and phony. 

While the old adage states, “any publicity is good publicity,” this doesn’t hold true with blogging. You don’t want to live down nasty comments on a blog that may not have anything to do with how well you write a book. 

Key Benefits and Difficulties to Blog As An Author 

In the article “How to Start Blogging: A Definitive Guide for Authors,” Jane Friedman breaks down the key benefits and difficulties on several ways to blog as an author. 

I like how she suggests we identify other key people blogging in the area you are interested in.

Try to “guest” blog for them. After all they aren’t your competition but members of your community. They can also be a way to recommend you and send you traffic to your site. The best thing is you’ll build a relationship with folks over time.

To help you on this end, I’ve found this site from Feedspot, “Top 100 Romance Book Blogs and Websites for Romances Readers and Authors in 2020”

If you are not a romance writer, try their other article: “Top 100 Writing Blogs and Websites for Authors 2020”

I get chills how much information and help are out there for all of us. 

Random Suggestions on How to Blog 

I thought I’d leave you with some random suggestions from the research I’ve done for this article. They aren’t in any particular order, so enjoy!

  • Embrace at Least One Other Platform
      • Do you love to showcase pictures and beautiful imagery? Instagram?
      • Are you an aspiring videographer? YouTube – Vlogging is buzzing.
  • Promote Your Content
      • Social Media/Email/Link Building
  • Keep the Conversation Going. 
      • Keep the rudeness at bay, respond to any comments.
    • Link Like There’s No Tomorrow
      • It gives your readers even more valuable information. 
      • Saves them time and effort if you have it all there for them with just a click.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to go Deeper into a Subject
    • A good way to divvy up the heavy into is to put it into several articles.

The Evolution of the Soggy Bloggy 

HelloAs with anything we’ve faced so far this year, online presence has changed. 

It’s up to us authors to embrace that change or, like anything else, we’ll wither away into oblivion. 

I don’t know about you, but I’m fighting tooth and nail every day to make sure that doesn’t happen. Are ya with me? 

If so, leave me a link in the comment section to where your latest blog is! I’d love to come and meet you. 



Keri KruspeKeri Kruspe award-winning “Author of Otherworldly Romantic Adventures” loves nothing more than to write about romances that feature “feisty heroines who aren’t afraid to take a chance on life…or love”. Her writing career started when she became irritated that most SciFi romances had women kidnapped before they could find love. Determined to create something different, she turned “the alien kidnapping trope upside down” (Vine Voice) and the ALIEN EXCHANGE trilogy was born.

Keri’s latest SciFi Romance novel, TODAY IS TOMORROW’S PAST, is the first in a five-book series that takes the Ancient Alien motif and mixes it with a romantic twist.

A native Nevadan, Keri is a lifelong avid reader who currently lives in Northwestern Michigan with her husband and the newest member of the family, a Jack Russell Terrier, Hestia. When not immersed in her made-up worlds, she enjoys discovering the fascinating landscape of her new home as well as pairing red wine with healthy ways to cook. Most of all, she loves finding her next favorite author.

If you want to know when Keri’s next book will come out, please visit her website at http:/, where you can sign up for her mailing list. You’ll get a FREE copy of the prologue to TODAY IS TOMORROW’S PAST as well as keeping updated on the life of a dedicated, obsessed author.

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