Craft Compelling Characters Master Class with Beth Barany

I’ll be teaching a Master Class just after the San Francisco Writer’s Conference in February 2018. The Master Classes are sponsored by the nonprofit San Francisco Writers Foundation, not the conference per se. So if you’re not joining the conference, you can still sign up for any of the Master Classes.

Here are the details. Hope you can join us!

Time: Monday, February 18, 2019, 9am – 12noon
Location: Hyatt Regency Embarcadero Hotel

Craft Compelling Characters: Tips for Writing and Editing

Instructor: Beth Barany

Our job as novelists is to create characters that our readers love. Or love to hate. Or want to be. Or want to jump into bed with. Our characters need to feel real, engaging, and compelling, not just our main characters, but our secondary characters and villains too.

But how do you actually do that?

Beth Barany covers how to build your characters from inside out, using such tools as Goal, Motivation, Conflict, and Strengths. Come prepared to write and brainstorm.

In this hands-on masterclass, we also go beyond the standard tools to cover:

Identity and Belief Shifts

  • Turning Point Backstory as it relates to your character’s driving core identity
  • Your Character’s Emotional Palette
  • World Building as it relates to the character
  • Your Character’s Archetype and Function in the story

Whether you’re a first-time novelist or an experienced one, you’ll come away from this workshop with:

  • detailed character sketches for your next novel or novella
  • a deeper understanding of how to edit your characters
  • clarity on your character’s core transformation from beginning to end of your story
  • tips on how to apply these tools in the planning and editing stage
  • tools you can use again and again

Register here.

Contact me if you have any questions.

More information about the San Francisco Writers Conference here, Feb. 14-18, 2019.


Beth Barany is an award-winning novelist, master neuro-linguistic programming practitioner, and certified creativity coach for writers. With over 15 books published, she specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. She runs an online school for fiction writers and a 12-month group coaching program to help them get published. Free resources to get started on your writing adventure here: Or start here with the free 5-Day Writers Discovery Course.

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