3 Tips to a Successful Amazon Campaign – Q & A Wednesdays

Welcome to Q & A Wednesdays by Book Mentor, Ezra Barany. This week Ezra addresses 3 qualities of a good title.

Good news! This week’s winner of a 30-minute complimentary consultation of your book with Ezra is: Author, Emma Calin. Congrats! We’ll be contacting you for your Book Mentoring session with Ezra.

Want to be a bestselling author? Want to have success as a Kindle author? Many people think all you need is an Amazon campaign to become one. But actually, even if you have hundreds of sales in one day, you might not make bestseller status. And if you only follow these three tips in setting up your campaign, bestseller status is practically guaranteed!

In this video Ezra Barany, Book Mentor, goes over three tips for making your Amazon campaign a successful one.

What tips do you have, or what questions do you have about creating Kindle author success for yourself?


We love hearing from you! And to prove it and show my love and adoration, for the month of September, everyone who leaves a comment to this post and any post on the Writer’s Fun Zone we will enter your name in our giveaway. If you comment and link back to my blog on your blog, you’ll get your name in the giveaway twice.

If you leave a comment and link back to my blog, and mention my books Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Sparks to Ignite Your Creativity or The Writer’s Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book in your blog, you get your name entered three times.

What do you win? Book mentoring support from the newest member of our team, Book Mentor, Ezra Barany.

We will pick a winner every week for 30-minute complimentary consultation about your novel with Ezra. At the end of September we will pick a winner for the grand prize: A 60-minute complimentary consultation about your novel with Ezra. Good luck!

Note: We’re keeping all the names for a final GRAND, GRAND PRIZE of a complimentary ticket in Ezra’s year-long program Finish Your Page-Turning Novel launching January 2012. ($2,000 value) For now, we will draw weekly for 30-minute consult and monthly for a 60-minute consult.

Be sure to leave your email in the email field so we can contact you if you win.

In the meantime, we invite you to pick up copies of Beth Barany’s best-selling books Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Sparks to Ignite Your Creativity or The Writer’s Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book. Both books are like having a book coach at your side. Experienced and novice writers have said that these books have saved them time and avoided heartache, as well as helped them get their books done. And that it’s all about!

Comment below or send in your questions to this blog or contact Ezra directly on Facebook or Twitter. Let us know if we can mention you and your book in Ezra’s video. Thanks!

Previous Q&A Book Mentor videos by Ezra Barany:

About Ezra Barany:
Who Ezra helps are writers who are having the challenge of completing their novel, the one that’s been sitting in the attic of their mind collecting cobwebs. Ezra helps them get clarity, design their strategy, tune their schedule, and reshape their novel into a compelling, page-turning, thumping good read.

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  • Isis Rushdan says:

    Very interesting. I honestly had no idea what goes into making a successful Amazon campaign. Learned lots of useful tips.

    I would like to know Ezra’s sales results.

  • Ezra Barany says:

    Isis! Thanks for the comment!

    When it comes to the results of my Amazon campaign, I have good news and bad news, and good news and good news and good news and good news and good news:

    Good news – In the US, I sold about 6 Nook and 69 Kindle e-books yesterday! In the UK, I sold 2 Kindle e-books!
    Bad news – I didn’t make the top hundred in any of the US categories. 🙁
    Good news – In the Amazon UK, I made #9 in the Jewish fiction category and #3 in the Torah category! My overall sales ranking went from #147,546 to #11,307! (With just 2 sales!)
    Good news – In the Amazon US, my overall sales ranking went from #100,851 to #2,135!
    Good news – Someone gave me a five-star review yesterday!
    Good news – I sold 4 Nook e-books today!
    Good news – If the buyers like my book, I have 75 more readers to spread the word about how great my book is! 🙂
    Good news – More than ever, people across the nation have heard about my book and will now recognize the title if they hear about it again!

    So it wasn’t the specific success I wanted, but it was a TREMENDOUS success!

    If I want to be a bestseller in the US, I now know to recruit 200 to 300 people to buy my book at a specific day and at a specific time of day.

  • Ezra, congrats on your campaign and its successes ! I thought it was a super idea and, geeze, who can resist a 99-cent sale ? When it comes time for me to follow suit, you’d better believe I’ll be doing a markdown ! In fact, I’ll probably schedule markdowns to coincide with … hmm … let’s see: Sadie Hawkins Day, Groundhog Day, Future Farmers of America’s Anniversary Day, among others 😉 Marketing should include some fun, not just drudge work, and you just proved it !

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