Tagged: book mentor


7 Ways to Brainstorm the Best Title for Your Book

My method for finding the right title is designed to help your fans-to-be discover your book. Recently, I’ve finished the draft to the sequel of my bestselling thriller The Torah Codes. Now I’m applying my method of finding the best title, and the system works so well that I’ve discovered all of my title ideas are bad titles!

3 Vital Keys to a Good Book Trailer 1

3 Vital Keys to a Good Book Trailer

A lot of authors think a book trailer is all about conveying what the storyline is. But actually, conveying your storyline will likely not get people excited about your novel. And if you just include the three vital keys for a good book trailer, your book trailer will stand head and shoulders above the others.


How to Write the Perfect Pitch to Sell Your Novel In Person

Welcome to our weekly guest column by Ezra Barany, the Book Mentor and author of the bestselling novel The Torah Codes. He offers indie novelists important tips, entirely under our control, to help our books be discovered by readers all over the world. This week he focuses on how to write the perfect pitch to sell your novel in person.


Get Massive Sales of Your Novel


A lot of authors think that once their novel is for sale, they’re done with what they need to do and big money will come pouring in from royalties. But actually, it’s rare for an author to make enough money to live off of book sales alone. However, if you just follow these few suggestions, you can maximize your book sales.


#1 Tip to Finishing Your Page-Turning Novel

In this second video, “The 3 Keys to Finish Your Novel,” Ezra shows how to solve the true problem of finishing your novel. If you’re curious to get your novel done by 2012 surrounded...


VIDEO for Writers: Simon’s Cat in ‘Cat & Mouse’

Welcome back to Sunday Videos for Writers, where I post funny, insightful or useful videos for authors. Thank you to cat lover and writer Donna Brown. Your suggestion made my day! Today our feature is Simon’s...


Video: How To Price Your Ebooks

Welcome to Q & A Wednesdays by Book Mentor, Ezra Barany. This week Ezra addresses how to price your ebooks. Good news! This week’s winner of a 30-minute complimentary consultation of your book with Ezra is:...

VIDEO for Writers: Writers Block in Spoken Word 5

VIDEO for Writers: Writers Block in Spoken Word

Welcome back to Sunday Videos for Writers, where I post funny, insightful or useful videos for authors. Or plain inspiring ones like this video I found on a random search on youtube for “writer’s block.”...
