Beautiful YA Fantasy Covers

Henrietta the Dragon Slayer by Beth Barany

Henrietta the Dragon Slayer by Beth Barany

Welcome to the Wednesday series on Fans of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

I’ll just come right out and say it! {I’m getting used to saying it!} I’m releasing my YA fantasy at the end of this month! Henrietta the Dragon Slayer!

I’ve been researching covers, looking at tons of them on Amazon and Goodreads — in preparation for my novel’s release — and because I’m having my cover designed! Here’s my latest draft.

So I asked my Twitter friends for any favorite covers.

Twitter pal, Sarah Robertson, pointed me to the beautiful cover of Sisters Red.

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

I found more I liked!

Halo by Alexandra Adornetto

Halo by Alexandra Adornetto

Halo by Alexandra Adornetto

Torment by Lauren Kate

Torment by Lauren Kate

Torment by Lauren Kate

The covers are clear, evocative and strong. I’m invited in and look forward to reading them.

Any favorite covers?!

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  • Elisa Hirsch says:

    I LOVE this post 😉 I’m thinking about self publishing my memoir and it’s so hard knowing what to do for a cover.

    P. S. I’m addicted to YA Fantasy!

    I’m following.

  • Beth Barany says:

    Thanks Elisa! The way I figured out what kind of cover to create for my YA fantasy was to look at other books similar to mine and dream up something similar yet unique. I’m sure you can do that! Thanks for following! I checked out your blog and followed it too!

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