Brainstorm Your Way to Success

I was looking back in my Writer’s Fun Zone archives and was surprised to see I’ve never written a post on brainstorming. Free writing exercises, yes. Inspiration, yes, but never brainstorming, specifically.

Why is that? I assume, perhaps wrongly so, all writers know how to brainstorm. Deeper than that, I have mixed feelings about visual brainstorming, and don’t really care about what form your brainstorming takes, as long as it leads us to THE ANSWER.

Though I am partial to free writing, and will use the occasional mind map, all by hand, mind you.

So, I thought instead of me being the “expert” today, that I’d open up to conversation to you, dear reader, and ask:

What is your favorite brainstorming technique, and why does it work for you?

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  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Breakfast Blogging and BethBarany, Beth Barany. Beth Barany said: What is your favorite brainstorming technique, and why does it work for you? I love free writing… […]

  • I love mind mapping. I typically will do this by myself. If I am having trouble getting ideas for a blog post mindmapping will help me see a new angle on an old topic.

    I actually prefer to brainstorm with other people. I get most of my ideas if I am verbalizing them rather than writing them. This is best when I am trying to come up with something very unique.

  • Beth Barany says:

    Julia, Brainstorming with other people is fun! It widens our perspective of the world. Hmmm… brainstorming parties… or mastermind buddies are good for this.

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