Tagged: writers block


How to Write a Novel – NaNoWriMo – Part 3 of 3

Many authors think that writer’s block is impossible to overcome, when the reality is that there are simple steps to take to overcome writer’s block.

In this video, Ezra reveals how to overcome the most common points that stop the author in her tracks and how the author can keep on writing his work.

VIDEO for Writers: Writers Block in Spoken Word 5

VIDEO for Writers: Writers Block in Spoken Word

Welcome back to Sunday Videos for Writers, where I post funny, insightful or useful videos for authors. Or plain inspiring ones like this video I found on a random search on youtube for “writer’s block.”...


Thinking Outside the Box

Welcome to our bi-weekly posts from guest columnist, Bobbye Terry. This week she offers fun tips for thinking outside the box. We’re curious to hear your tips too! Share your thoughts with us! Thanks!...


VIDEO: Overcome Writer’s Block

Enjoy our weekly video in our Sunday Videos for Authors series. Which tip do you like the most? I like, nay LOVE, timed writing! And yes, this is me with shorter hair and more makeup! I talk kinda fast, don’t I?!


VIDEO: Overcoming Arts True Test: Discipline

Enjoy our weekly video in our Sunday Videos for Authors series. While artists are known for following whims and dodging routine, the Irish painter Guggi insists that hard-work, structure, and a refusal to put down even the most frustrating piece, are the keys to developing ones talent.


A Writer’s Love Affair

Can you have a three-minute love affair with yourself through your writing? What do you do when you’re stuck with your writing? I don’t know about you guys but I encounter stuckness all the...
