Tagged: creative writing


Q&A with Hugh Tipping

Please welcome Hugh Tipping to our Featured Q&A series at Writer’s Fun Zone. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, check out our guidelines here.


A Day In The Life Of A Unpublished Author by Deanna Jackson

When I first got the idea to write my novel it sounded fun and I couldn’t wait sit down at my laptop and start writing. It is still fun and exciting to me but I never imagined how difficult it would be to fit in writing along with working two jobs, spending time with my family and keeping my house clean!


Seriously…Write Those Plans Down by Theresa W. Bennett-Wilkes

Years ago, while searching for my niche as a writer, I stumbled across a how to book on marketing for writers which included an index of activities. These exercises were designed to help novices, aspiring practitioners, and those struggling with self-confidence issues get organized. I plunged into the myriad of possibilities and came up with my ten tips for chroniclers.
