Tagged: book sales


How to Hook Your Readers and Increase Your Book Sales

Welcome to our weekly guest column by the Book Mentor and author of the bestselling novel of The Torah Codes, Ezra Barany. He offers indie novelists two important tips, entirely under our control, to help us increase book sales. A lot of indie authors think that as long as they write a well-written novel, their book will become successful and they’ll make a million bucks in the first month. But the reality is…


4 Ways To Develop Your Authentic Voice For Book Marketing Success

Welcome to Artist Entrepreneur Fridays, where we focus having a successful author career from the business and strategic perspectives. This week I have another guest post from Matthew Ashdown, Book Promotion Specialist with FriesenPress. FriesenPress is a fee-for-service self-publisher. Matthew offers 4 ways to develop your authentic voice for your book marketing success.


Make Your Own Book Trailer Video for More Book Sales

What is a book trailer? Chopped ham? No! It’s chopped steak! Just kidding. It really is chopped ham. It’s also a term coined by Sheila English to describe a video that promotes a book in very much the same way a movie trailer promotes a movie.

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How to Make More Book Sales

Many people think selling their novel takes a lot of time and energy. Well here’s a way that you can set up an automatic system in place to sell your novel to your market. That means there is no going on-line, no going to mixers, no social media, no networking. And you don’t even have to pay for this incredible system! If you have a twitter account, an email account, and just take the time to set this system up, you can have this automated marketing machine working for you in about an hour.

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How to Sell Boxes of Books

A lot of authors think the way to make money is to sell their novel one book at a time. But actually, there’s a way to sell boxes of books with one sales conversation. And if you just use the appropriate strategy to approach these sales, selling boxes of books can be easier than trying to get one person to buy.


Video: How To Price Your Ebooks

Welcome to Q & A Wednesdays by Book Mentor, Ezra Barany. This week Ezra addresses how to price your ebooks. Good news! This week’s winner of a 30-minute complimentary consultation of your book with Ezra is:...


Social Media For Fiction Authors: Show Up Everyday, Okay Regularly. Really.

Major confession time. I stopped blogging regularly a few days ago, and my traffic has been cut in half. And I started blogging more about a topic that is probably not that interesting to most of my readers: my new novel’s blog tour. So two major faux pas, but I’m just going to concentrate on the first one.


Social Media Tip for Authors #3: Do What You Love/Like/Enjoy

Many authors think they have to do everything in social media, but cringe when they think if using _______ . (Fill in the blank with Facebook or Twitter or blogging or another social media tool.) And that keeps us away from even experimenting. But actually you just need to get active in the one (or two) venues you enjoy. Because your passion shows through!
