Tagged: book marketing


Room to Bloom by Nevada McPherson

When you sit down to create a novel, graphic novel, screenplay, or any other piece of writing, chances are you have a purpose in mind—an idea to get across, or just characters and a story to share with the world.


Open Call for Nonfiction Essays for Anthology by Erin Lale

Each chapter will be an essay by a different author on what they’ve learned through inspiration to write fiction, through applying the universal truths of their lives to fiction, and other gnosis learned through the process of writing. Wherever this wisdom comes from, it all qualifies as long as it occurred in the author’s mind due to writing fiction.


Writing What I Am Not by David Strom

Welcome to our guest columnist, David Strom.  An author who puts funny into his superhero stories, as he shares with us “Writing What I Am Not.” Enjoy! *** Dirty Harry said, “A man’s got...


Two Projects at Once by Raina Schell

Are you trying to edit one novel while writing another? This is what many writers find themselves having to do. Maybe you recently finished a novel, during NaNo perhaps. Or you wrote one awhile back and shelved it. Regardless, unless you edit that manuscript several times over it won’t be ready for prime time.


How to Write an Author Bio by Beth Barany

Novelist, it’s about that time now… Your book is done, or you’re thinking about marketing yourself as an author, even though your book isn’t done yet. How do you talk about yourself? You just...
