87 Search results

For the term "MINDSET".

Is Fear Holding You Back? by Martin Haworth

I’m a great believer in accountability. In my role as a coach, I spend a lot of time encouraging clients to be committed to their future. In doing so, it is vital that they appreciate that there is no one coming to their rescue (except me, perhaps – more of that later*.)


A Recipe for Writing and Personal Success By Carol Malone

Happy New Year! Time for resolutions and goal setting. Time for me to freak out. I’ve always hated the words goal and resolution. Oh, I had them – the same every year: lose weight, save money, get out of debt. But I never thought about the plans, the schedules, the hard work it took to achieve those goals, so I bailed and failed and told myself that it was better not to have goals so I could save myself from anxiety and disappointment.

Archives: Past Live Chats

Archives: Past Live Chats

Thank you for being a subscriber to the #askaWritingCoach live chats for novelists. Click here to see a list of our past chats. Click here to jump to the latest chat. If you’d like...


How to Get Book Reviews (or How to Run Your Own Book Review Campaign) by Beth Barany

Many authors think that it is totally time-consuming to find reviews for their books. I admit, just like everything else, it takes time. You can get book reviews. But if you want to develop a long-term relationship with one of the key influencers in our industry—book bloggers—then you’ll want to learn how to get reviews for your books.

Branding & Marketing for Genre Novelists 101

Branding & Marketing for Genre Novelists 101

Course Coming Spring 2017 Sign up to be notified when the live version course opens again:   Goodies Get these 2 Bonuses The report “Top 10 Social Media Tips for Authors” And the audio “How to Step...


Having Your Say by Nevada McPherson

Do you ever shy away from certain topics in your writing for fear of what people will say or think? As a writer and/or artist you have power and the ability to influence others through what you create. Why not use that power to challenge assumptions and to try and get closer to the truth? Is it because the truth can set you free, but can also get you fired, killed, or at the very least into arguments and trouble with your friends, family and associates?
