Category: Guest Columnists

E.L. James' 50 Shades of Grey 3

Why E.L. James’ 50 Shades of Grey is Popular and How You, Too, Can Be a Bestselling Author (Pt. 1 of 2)

I’ve heard a lot of erotica writers say, “I don’t get it! Why is 50 Shades of Grey so Popular?” Many of us get our panties in a bunch, jealous that someone else’s first-time work of erotica can be a national bestseller. The truth is, what Erika Leonard, aka E.L. James, did can be a guide for all of us fiction authors, and you, too, can become a bestselling author.


What Would Indiana Jones Do?

I’m right in the middle of writing a mystery/fantasy/romance/mainstream, whatever the genre (for me any of the above and often at the same time). Then, all of a sudden, halfway through a crucial scene, my brain turns off like the proverbial faucet. Not even a drip comes out.


Having Vision

What would it feel like if suddenly you couldn’t see? How would you know where you were going and which way was the right way? Sure those who are blind learn to adapt to the loss of vision, but they adapt by replacing the visual cues with other ones that become, in essence, their new eyes.


CRAFT: What does Author Convenience and Aristotle have to do with each other?

Authors have a job to do and they have to fool readers in order to do it. In good writing, the author seems to disappear and the reader gets lost in the story. It’s as if the story is telling itself. Yet author convenience, or author intrusion, breaks through the story veil and doesn’t let the reader get caught up in the story.
