Category: Creativity Tools and Tips


Games and Contests: Creative Building Blocks for Writers by Wyatt G. Bessing

Sitting down with my first student for the day, I open a new game, Zing!: The Bewitching Storymaking Game. We take turns placing words like magnetic poetry magnets, slowing creating a story of a boy playing violin as his mother watches scornfully. We gradually reveal her belligerence and anger.


~Work du Soleil~ Part Deux: The Enchanting Product Playground with Marney Makridakis from

Calling all bold, boisterous bohemian souls: Marney Makridakis from is presenting an all-new, soulfully whimsical FREE teleworkshop happening on Thursday, September 27: “~Work du Soleil~ Part Deux: The Enchanting Product Playground.” Learn her...


Writing a Story: Where Do Writers Get Their Ideas? (Free Kindle Book)

As a writer, the question I am most often asked is, ‘Where do you get your ideas from?’ It’s an interesting question, and maybe not an easy one for authors to answer. Just how do books start? For me they nearly always start with something visual, and that was the case with a book I set in Italy: VILLA DANTE.


Is Your Creativity Ready for an Island Adventure?

Is your creativity ready for an Island Adventure? Marney from is presenting “The ARTsignment Island Adventure” teleclass on Wednesday June 20. We’ll be playing with Island-Themed ARTsignments (think pina coladas, hula dances, and beach umbrellas) as you take your imagination on a magical adventure to apply your creative power to the very biggest questions in your life right now, receiving new solutions in new ways. And it’s free!


Creating Time

People used to be tied to things like families, communities, rituals, worship, curiosity, and beauty. Now we are tied to schedules, watches, datebooks, computers, and keeping up with the latest gadgets that start with i. It seems like time is going by faster than ever these days, and we’re all exhaustively trying to find, chase, save, and manage time.


7 Ways to Brainstorm the Best Title for Your Book

My method for finding the right title is designed to help your fans-to-be discover your book. Recently, I’ve finished the draft to the sequel of my bestselling thriller The Torah Codes. Now I’m applying my method of finding the best title, and the system works so well that I’ve discovered all of my title ideas are bad titles!


How to Write a Novel – NaNoWriMo – Part 3 of 3

Many authors think that writer’s block is impossible to overcome, when the reality is that there are simple steps to take to overcome writer’s block.

In this video, Ezra reveals how to overcome the most common points that stop the author in her tracks and how the author can keep on writing his work.
