Congratulations to The Writer’s Adventure Guide Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of my Writer’s Adventure Guide Giveaway! Angela S. and Karen G. will each get a signed copy of The Writer’s Adventure Guide! And Kaykay.Obi wins the Complimentary 2-Hour Coaching Session!

PS. If you’d like to get the free “12 Stages to Writing Your Book” go here.  You can get the free “12 Stages to Writing Your Book” Report and other goodies. yes, it does sign you up for my newsletter from which you can unsubscribe at any time.

PPS. I give away 10 spots per month for a 30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Session. I still have a few spots available for June. First Come First Serve! You can schedule yours today! Click here now to schedule your complimentary coaching session: Beth’s Online Scheduler

PPS. I’m thinking of serializing this book for free on my blog. What do you think?! Would that be useful to you? Comment below and tell me what you think. Thanks!

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