Category: Book Promotion

7 Rocks to Being an Author of a Bestseller 3

7 Rocks to Being an Author of a Bestseller

Say you have a jar full of rocks, pebbles, and sand. Each rock, pebble, and grain of sand represents a step you can take to being a bestselling author, a full jar. Some steps take more time than others, some cost more money to do, but time and money are not a reflection of the size of the stones. Instead, the size refers to how effective each step is in reaching your goal. If you only have the time and money to put in 7 things, doesn’t it make sense that you should focus on the ones that are large rocks instead of the tiny pebbles?

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Increase Your Book Sales with Anthology Submissions

Many authors think getting their work published in an anthology is great for visibility. They’re right. But not for the reason they think. If you self-publish, you then tell all your friends and family about the book. But with an anthology, you now have all the contributing authors tell all their friends and all their families about the book. The amount of people who hear about the anthology and see your published name can be ten times as many!


Making the Most of Your Tumblelog

 Welcome guest columnist, Karma Bennett, Publicist, Social Media Consultant and Writer. When I met Karma recently at a meeting for book publicists and those interested in book publicity (like me!) I was struck by...


3 Tips to Making Great Book Trailers

Some people think book trailers are a great way to make more book sales, while others think book trailers don’t truly increase book sales much at all. The truth is that book trailers can increase your book sales if your video becomes viral. So how do you make a video go viral?

The Torah Codes 1

The Best Print to Ebook Layout to Boost Your Sales

I thought that if I made my ebook have a layout exactly like my print book, that would be enough to make my ebook sell well. The truth is, by going from print to ebook, I made the layout identical and that was a mistake. I missed out on making news of the release of my ebook spread like wildfire, and I missed out on making sure I got plenty of good reviews from my ebook sales. If I had just added a few extra components to my ebook layout, I could have made more sales and received more reviews.

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How to Write and Get Great Reviews — With Examples of a Book Review

How to write and get great reviews, with examples of a book review. A lot of authors think that getting many five-star ecstatic reviews will help make more book sales, so they get their family and friends to post rave reviews. The problem is that browsing readers can detect false praise a mile away, so if you just help guide the reviewer on how to sound authentic, your reviews will in fact help you make more sales of your books.

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The Trouble With Tagging and Liking – How an Amazon Tag and Like Aren’t Enough

On Facebook, I’ve seen a lot of authors (myself included) asking for tags and likes on their Amazon sales page.

Waste of time.

Though it’s seductively simple to ask friends and followers to tag and like your Amazon page, there are better marketing methods to request from your friends and followers that are just as simple and take just as much time.

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How to Read Aloud an Excerpt from Your Novel

When it comes to reading aloud, many authors believe their writing will speak for itself. Actually, at live reading events, your readers will base their decision to buy your book based off of how you read aloud, not how well you write. And if you just follow these few simple steps, you’ll get a lot more people interested in your novel.

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How to Get Your Book in Libraries

I think it’s absurd that indie authors have to fight to get their books in libraries! Even if you’re a bestselling indie author, libraries won’t order a single copy of your book unless they get enough requests from their members. So what’s an indie author to do?


Where To Promote Your Free Kindle Book on Twitter

So you’ve taken the plunge and have decided to make your book free for the Kindle using the Kindle Select program. (See “How KDP Select Will Make You An Amazon Bestseller” about the Kindle Select program written by bestselling award-winning author, Ezra Barany.) Now comes time for promotions!

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How KDP Select Will Make You An Amazon Bestseller

If you want to become an Amazon bestseller, going through Amazon’s KDP Select program is a great way to do it. But it takes more than just signing up with KDP Select. By following a simple process I’ve outlined below, you can practically guarantee becoming an Amazon bestseller.

3 Vital Keys to a Good Book Trailer 1

3 Vital Keys to a Good Book Trailer

A lot of authors think a book trailer is all about conveying what the storyline is. But actually, conveying your storyline will likely not get people excited about your novel. And if you just include the three vital keys for a good book trailer, your book trailer will stand head and shoulders above the others.
