Category: Author Entrepreneur


Top 5 Tips for Negotiating by Kelley Way

Negotiation is a part of life. We haggle at farmers’ markets, we bargain with our significant others, and of course, we make deals in the business world. Knowing the rules of negotiation is helpful in all of these situations, but most of all when making business deals.


Licensing for Authors

You know you’ve hit it big when someone approaches you, asking for a license to use your work. And you also know (or at least you should, if you’ve been reading my articles) that if you’re borrowing heavily from someone else’s work, you should really get a license from them if you don’t want a cease and desist letter from their lawyer. Those are not pretty. Even if they’re polite, they still use scary words like “lawsuit” and “infringement.”


Author Entrepreneur Magazine, the September 2012 issue is out! Download yours today

Author Entrepreneur Magazine, September 2012 is out! This free online magazine is dedicated to helping authors create successful and sustainable careers. To be sure to get each month’s issue, subscribe to Creativity Sparks Newsletter in the right column, or subscribe at


From Muse to Market: Interview with Beth Barany

Why expend all the time and energy trying to figure out how to do something yourself, when someone else will happily and generously share the secrets of her success with you? Because Paula and I both have a passion for creativity, she asked me to interview me for her series. We had a great time talking about creativity. In the interview, I share some great ideas for getting clear on the why of your creative work and getting inspired.

E.L. James' 50 Shades of Grey 5

Why E.L. James’ 50 Shades of Grey is Popular and How You, Too, Can Be a Bestselling Author (Pt. 2 of 2)

In my last post, I revealed how I thought the reason E.L. James’ 50 Shades of Grey became so popular was because of the tie on the cover. Women all around the world were reading what they thought would be a light romance and instead practically fainted from the shock of reading about bondage, dominance, and sadism. Where else have we seen that? I’d say The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
