120 Search results

For the term "writing ritual".

My Top 12 Favorite Writing Books by Beth Barany

My top 12 favorite writing books, in no particular order… I admit. It’s a somewhat random list, and not all the books are only about writing, but are actually about creativity — that which...


Q&A with Writing Coach and Novelist, Beth Barany

Recently I did an AMA feed, a Q&A service, and received over 30 questions about writing, editing, marketing, coaching writers, and the writers life. Here’s a few of the questions and their answers. If...


A Recipe for Writing and Personal Success By Carol Malone

Happy New Year! Time for resolutions and goal setting. Time for me to freak out. I’ve always hated the words goal and resolution. Oh, I had them – the same every year: lose weight, save money, get out of debt. But I never thought about the plans, the schedules, the hard work it took to achieve those goals, so I bailed and failed and told myself that it was better not to have goals so I could save myself from anxiety and disappointment.
