Special Webinar Replay: Planning Your Novel: Essential Plot & Character Development Prep

Special Webinar- Plan Your Novel

Special Webinar Replay:

Planning Your Novel: Essential Plot & Character Development Prep

How: Sign up here to get all the info!

Special: You’ll also have a chance to enter a special giveaway that ends March 31, 2015, 12 midnight Pacific.


Enter the Special Giveaway! Hurry! Giveaway ends 3/31/2015

  • Fiction Magic card deck by Deb Lund, a wonderful creativity coach
  • Handbook of Practical Spying, because we love writing and reading and researching spy stories
  • The Writer’s Adventure Guide by me, Beth Barany; a great place to begin the process of writing your novel
  • Henrietta The Dragon Slayer by me, Beth Barany; I love to give away my award-winning YA epic fantasy novel

Your Investment: 90-minutes of your time

In this 90-minute special webinar, we cover:

  • Why preparing your novel saves you time and can help you have direction, power, and purpose
  • Essential plot and character development tips
  • The key questions to ask your characters to make your story hum
  • The overview of the 30-Day Challenge to preparing your novel for Nanowrimo or anytime
  • Who are your instructors and why we’re qualified to help you
  • Why we created this course
  • Prerecorded Q&A

Beth-and-Ezra-Barany-webinar-shot-with-kittyWho we are: This webinar is offered by Beth and Ezra Barany, writing teachers and novelists. We walk the talk. We’re award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, story telling, and guiding authors to achieve your dreams.

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Beth Barany's nonfiction books

Together we have written and published 18 books, plus 3 audio books. Together and separately, we have taught thousands of students over the years, in both the public and private sector, including overseas in Paris, France. We both teach (and Beth’s case, coach) and working on writing and publishing our novels.

Ready for the self-paced course, “30-Day Writing Challenge to Preparing Your Novel” ?! Yay!

Sign up and get started today at the Barany School of Fiction!
30-Day Writing Challenge to Preparing Your Novel Fellowship of the Pen at the Barany School of Fiction

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