9 Essentials For Writing Your Climactic Scene

Publetariat: People Who Publish

Welcome to Writing Craft Thursdays where we focus on an element of writing excellent novels. Writing the best book we can is our job! This week’s post comes to us by way of Publetariat, a resource-rich online community, blog and news source all wrapped into one place, specifically for us indie authors. I stumbled upon C. Patrick Shultze’s post just as I was working on my climactic scene and thought his post insightful and useful. Hope you will too!


Every novel requires that final, explosive scene where the protagonist and his villain struggle with each other to the certain demise of one or the other. It matters not if you hero is a working mother trying to make ends meet, or the commander of the forces ready to invade Omaha Beach on D-Day. Every novel should have this climactic scene and you should consider certain criteria to make it as powerful as you can.

Here are nine tips to help you when writing that all-important scene.

This scene should be an epic confrontation with a clear winner and a clear loser. Someone gets the girl and someone goes home from the party by himself.

Your hero must confront his most worthy of adversaries. Secondary evil doers simply won’t do. Make this clash between the biggest and baddest.

Read the rest here.

This is a reprint from C. Patrick Shulze‘s Born to Be Brothers blog.



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