Tagged: writer’s fun zone
Please help me welcome Raimey Gallant to Writer’s Fun Zone as she shares with us “Selling Your Book to Agents and Publishers: Making Sure They Recognize Your Name Before Your Query Hits Their Inbox.” Enjoy!
Let’s welcome back monthly columnist, editor, and novelist, Kay Keppler, as she shares with us “Use Structure to Build Emotion!” Enjoy!
Let’s welcome back monthly columnist Chloe Adler as she shares with us “Write “Who You Know” – Turning Real-Life Meanies into your Book’s Antagonists” Enjoy!
Let’s welcome back monthly columnist Nevada McPherson as she shares with us “Adaptations and Transformations for 2017!” Enjoy!
Let’s welcome back monthly columnist Catharine Bramkamp as she shares with us “Be More than The Gargoyle!” Enjoy!
Please help me welcome Martin Haworth to Writer’s Fun Zone as he shares with us “Overcoming Criticism.” Enjoy!
Please welcome author and book coach in training Carol Malone. Today she’s going to share an article about goal setting success … or failure? Enjoy!
Let’s welcome back monthly columnist Catharine Bramkamp as she shares with us “Selling Out for the Holidays!” Enjoy!
As I was sitting in my favorite chair in my family room watching the Chicago Cubs beat the snot out of the Los Angeles Dodgers – my team – during the fourth National League Championship game, I thought how similar NaNoWriMo
When you reach for a favorite book, the one you’ve already read, or perhaps read multiple times, what draws you to that story? Sometimes it’s the plot, but usually it’s the characters you remember.
I’ve been watching lots of news lately (probably way too much) and now that the election is over I’m still watching news but am also enjoying getting back into my favorite scripted T.V. shows, looking at non-news print media, and catching up on some reading in other subjects.
As my best friend, Milly drove her daughter from Maryland to Manhattan so the budding dentist could try, one more time, for a career in dance, the dancing daughter thanked her mom for helping with her dream.
Let’s welcome back monthly columnist Chloe Adler as she shares with us “Finding Your Editor” Enjoy!
Let’s welcome back monthly columnist Jami Gray as she shares with us “The Reality of Being a Writer.” Enjoy!
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