Tagged: social networking


Social Media For Fiction Authors: Show Up Everyday, Okay Regularly. Really.

Major confession time. I stopped blogging regularly a few days ago, and my traffic has been cut in half. And I started blogging more about a topic that is probably not that interesting to most of my readers: my new novel’s blog tour. So two major faux pas, but I’m just going to concentrate on the first one.


Social Media Tip for Authors #3: Do What You Love/Like/Enjoy

Many authors think they have to do everything in social media, but cringe when they think if using _______ . (Fill in the blank with Facebook or Twitter or blogging or another social media tool.) And that keeps us away from even experimenting. But actually you just need to get active in the one (or two) venues you enjoy. Because your passion shows through!


Social Media Tip for Authors #6: Share

Welcome to my Social Media for Author Tip Series, where I offer you tips to put into practice the your social media tips so that you can: * Connect with your readers and get to know them * Let them get to know you * Build your network * Create your author platform — Today’s Tip #6: Share — Share what? Share yourself, your humanity, your vulnerability, a slice of your daily life? Why? Because we all want to connect with each other, feel each other’s humanity, belong and be loved.

The Torah Codes by Ezra Barany 3

Author Entrepreneur: Do You Make The Time to Succeed?

Many authors think that the writing and publishing is the hard part. But actually your work is just getting started. Are you making time to market, connect with your readers, or even communicate to your readers and tell the world that your cool book is available or soon will be?! If you just take a few steps regularly — 15 to 30 minutes a day — you’ll find more readers, create more opportunities for people to tell their friends about you and ultimately sell more books!


Social Networking Tips for Authors #9: Have Fun!

Authors, writers, if you’re not having fun, why use social media? But don’t let the learning curve get in your way. Not knowing how to do something is no excuse! So dive into Twitter or Facebook or making video or podcasting. You’ll find out which one you like by trying it, by yes actually doing it!
