Tagged: self published


Featured Q&A With Author Missy Kirtley

Missy Kirtley, born in Marin, California, is a life-long resident of the San Francisco Bay Area. She is married with two young daughters. For four years running, Missy has won NaNoWriMo. The Royals, Volume 1: Eddie was published in June of 2014. The Royals, Volume 2: Lance, was published in August, 2014. Both are available on Amazon.com. The first chapter of Under, a Portal Fantasy novel in progress, placed in the 2015 San Mateo County Fair’s Literary contest, Genre Novelist First Chapter division. Missy currently resides in Castro Valley, California. She works diligently on a plethora of writing projects.


Blogging as the Center of Your Social Media, Especially your Tags

This is a weekly post on social media for authors, usually appearing on Thursdays. Tuesdays is good, too. Authors, take note of this simple fact: “The more often you blog the more site visitors you will have, and the more people will know about you, and buy your books!”
