Tagged: manuscript

Self-Editing Your Manuscript by Janelle Riley 0

Self-Editing Your Manuscript by Janelle Riley

Good editing can make or break your manuscript, but as an indie author, Janelle Riley knows that this can’t always be in the budget. She shares when to choose self-editing and how to get started.


Are You A Victim of Goal Setting? by Carol Malone

In a previous article, I explained how the whole notion of goal setting and I got off in the wrong foot. I feared the whole system of goal setting and didn’t trust myself to know what goal to set nor how to accomplish it.


Q&A with Hugh Tipping

Please welcome Hugh Tipping to our Featured Q&A series at Writer’s Fun Zone. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, check out our guidelines here.


Your Book in Five Words or Less: Your Title by Kay Keppler

You’ve finished your book. After all the hard work, you need a great title. But writing a title is a lot different from writing a full-length novel or even a short story. Writing a title takes creativity, but it isn’t storytelling—it’s marketing. Your potential readers see a title before they see anything in chapter one, and it has to hook them. Companies spend fortunes on finding the right name for new products—names that will resonate with consumers—and so should you.
