Tagged: libraries

Cat Naps Take Precedence Over One-Sheets 3

Get Your Book in Libraries with a One-Sheet

There are many different kinds of “one-sheets.” A one-sheet for reviewers and libraries can contain the contact’s name, a hook, some reasons why readers want your book, your book blurb, a call to action, reviews, and a bio. You’ll send the one-sheet to prospective reviewers and to librarians. Be sure to include the book’s genre and for reviewers a page count or word count.

How Cats Get Your Book in Their Library 2

How to Get Your Book in Libraries

I think it’s absurd that indie authors have to fight to get their books in libraries! Even if you’re a bestselling indie author, libraries won’t order a single copy of your book unless they get enough requests from their members. So what’s an indie author to do?
