Tagged: Kristen Lamb


Do you write every day?

Social Media Tips for Thursday… As you may or may not know, I’ve been blogging every day since January 1, 2011, and I’ve seen some cool results: * My site traffic has tripled, to nearly 2,000 visitors per month — woohoo! I know other bloggers are seeing higher traffic, but for me, this is awesome, and I celebrate my success! And my numbers keep going up the more time goes by!


TWITTER TUESDAY: Favorite Author Chats (No. 4)

Today’s focus is my favorite author chats on Twitter, the informal and the formal ones. These chats allow us writers to go from focusing inward on our current work-in-progress, to focusing outward and networking with other authors and industry professionals. We become better writers and sales people of our products — our books — when we network.


TWITTER TUESDAY: How to Use Your Twitter Bios

I’m inspired by Kristen Lamb to do a Twitter Tuesdays series. Today is #2! I’m inspired by Kristen and her book, We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media… as you may have guessed by reading this blog. 🙂 Today we’ll focus on how to use your Twitter bio to show off your author platform to its best advantage.1111


How to Use Twitter to Connect with Your Readers

I’m inspired by Kristen Lamb to do a Twitter Tuesdays series. Today is #1! Today we’ll focus on something I got from Kristen’s book, We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media. (She’s going to think I’m a stalker! I can’t say enough nice and gushing things about her book!)


Blogging as the Center of Your Social Media, Especially your Tags

This is a weekly post on social media for authors, usually appearing on Thursdays. Tuesdays is good, too. Authors, take note of this simple fact: “The more often you blog the more site visitors you will have, and the more people will know about you, and buy your books!”
