Inspiration for Writers: Drawing from Life
Enjoy this inspirational guest post from Ien Nivens. *** Art: “MeLADY” by Azali Rahim, graphite on paper, 2012 At the age of twelve, I started thinking of myself as a visual artist. Most of...
Creativity Tools and Tips / inspiration / Writing Tips
by Beth Barany · Published October 1, 2012 · Last modified October 5, 2012
Enjoy this inspirational guest post from Ien Nivens. *** Art: “MeLADY” by Azali Rahim, graphite on paper, 2012 At the age of twelve, I started thinking of myself as a visual artist. Most of...
Welcome to Artist Entrepreneur Fridays, where we focus having a successful author career from the business and strategic perspectives. This week I have another guest post from Matthew Ashdown, Book Promotion Specialist with FriesenPress....
Many people think getting their novel done is all about having a cat do all the work for them, but actually cats have more writing handicaps than people realize. In this video you’ll learn...
This video is part 3 in a three-video series on how to finish a novel. You know you want to write and complete your novel. So, I’m just wondering… are you ready to do...
by Beth Barany · Published August 20, 2011 · Last modified August 21, 2011
Welcome to Creativity Saturdays, where it’s my mission to spark your creativity into manifestation. Tips like this and more can also be found in my bestselling book, Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Sparks to Ignite Your...
This is #6 in a series of articles on Spark Your Creativity Through the Numbers for Writers, posted on Saturdays, an ongoing series designed to inspire, motivate and get you writing up a storm! Tips shared here are inspired by my bestselling e-book, Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Writing Sparks to Ignite Your Creativity.
This is #5 in a series of articles on Spark Your Creativity Through the Numbers for Writers, posted on Saturdays, an ongoing series designed to inspire, motivate and get you writing up a storm! Tips shared here are inspired by my bestselling e-book, Overcome Writer’s Block: 10 Writing Sparks to Ignite Your Creativity.
One of my favorite movies of all times — La Femme Nikita — by Luc Besson. I love her gutsyness, her stubbornness, and her fragility. I have to say I love the soundtrack too. It’s moody, a bit dangerous, and sensual, like Nikita.
We have a special guest poem today submitted by Catharine Bramkamp, inspired by the numbers. Enjoy!
The day has finally dawned! After all your hard work and endless rounds of submissions, you have a publisher that wants to publish your book. But when the publisher hands you the contract, should you just sign on the dotted line, or should you look it over first? If you did look it over, what would you be looking for?
What Makes for a Successful Social Media Presence for Fiction Authors? Vision Drive Passion Clear purpose Excitement — All ingredients to a successful social media campaign. It — your success — all depends on what you would like. And it all starts in knowing what you would like!
I find mine often in books and movies. Tonight I watched 2 very different films with my husband, Ezra. We saw “From Paris With Love” and “Ponyo.” I have to say I loved Ponyo...
Talent? Mojo? The secret awesome kick ass plot? Money? Connections? Okay. All those things help. But what we really need to succeed in this business of being an author and making money at it,...
by Beth Barany · Published April 14, 2011 · Last modified April 10, 2011
Welcome to our bi-weekly posts from guest columnist, Bobbye Terry. This week she offers fun tips for thinking outside the box. We’re curious to hear your tips too! Share your thoughts with us! Thanks!...
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Welcome to the Writer’s Fun Zone, a blog for creative writers by Beth Barany, fiction writing teacher and novelist.
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As a bonus, you will also be subscribed to the CreativitySparks (tm) newsletter, full of tips and tools for novelists building a successful career. (Sent 1-2 times per week) By Beth Barany, Editor and Publisher of the Writer's Fun Zone, and a Creativity Coaching for Writers, and a novelist herself.Beth Barany helps authors get their books completed and out into the world, into the hands of their readers.
Creativity Coach for Writers, NLP Master Practitioner, and Master Teacher, Beth Barany has been there and knows how hard it can be to take your idea and turn it into a real book, that people will actually be interested, and even yearning, to read.
She walks the talk, as her clients like to say. She is the author of the 2012 award-winning young adult fantasy novel Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, as well as the author of the bestselling nonfiction books for authors and aspiring authors.
Ready to finish your book but not sure how?
Hire Beth to help you or take a class at Barany School of Fiction. Or join her Group Coaching Program.
Still have questions? Email Beth.
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