Tagged: indie author

Self-Editing Your Manuscript by Janelle Riley 0

Self-Editing Your Manuscript by Janelle Riley

Good editing can make or break your manuscript, but as an indie author, Janelle Riley knows that this can’t always be in the budget. She shares when to choose self-editing and how to get started.


Travel/Write by Catharine Bramkamp

Travel writing sounds so glamorous; get paid to see legendary places, sample unusual food, sleep in exotic hotels, all on a magazine’s expense account.  Wow right? 


How to Deal With Overwhelm as an Indie Author

It’s not what you think. No self-destructing, selfmedicationg, self-denial. Okay, a little…chocolate is okay. Make sure it’s 70% dark (Lindt, yum!) so you get the medicinal properties, too. Really, how do you deal with overwhelm as you navigate your busy indie author career? Well, I can only share with you what I do, what others suggest that I ignore, and things I’ve heard others say work for them.
