Tagged: Carol Malone


Writers, Balancing Act: Learning vs. Doing, by Carol Malone

I’ve been stuck in my writing of late and I started wondering about my goals. Though I want to be a bestselling author and made every plan and goal in my mind to do so, something is holding me back. Maybe my goal isn’t big enough. Or maybe, something in my thinking went haywire and I started believing that I needed to read or study every word on the subject of writing before I could write another word.


Stop Thinking About Your Goals and Do Something! Active Practice vs. Passive Learning by Carol Malone

Back in my early adulthood, I sat in a workshop where the instructor beat us over the head about setting goals. Right now I can’t remember much of what he said, but I do remember I thought long and hard about goal setting, but not so much about how I might actually reach a goal. I don’t remember the instructor teaching us the practical steps of working at a goal.


So Forget About Passion. And While You’re at it, Forget About Goals, Too. by Carol Malone

I’ve been talking about goals a lot lately and their importance to us as writers. In last month’s WFZ article, I mentioned how amateurs are different from professional writers in that they show up and do the hard work required of them every day, even if they experience boredom. This time, I want to discuss the importance of actually accomplishing something, whether it be in writing or in life.


Motivation vs. Habit by Carol Malone

Does the word “goal” send you into a panic? It does me. A man whose blog I follow religiously told of a motto hung above the door of his gym. It read, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit keeps you going.” I believe Jim Ryan was attributed with saying that. Great thought, don’t you think?


New Year’s Blues Got You Feeling Overwhelmed? Or How Can You Achieve Your Goals? by Carol Malone

How many of us have said, “I want to be a writer?” Great goal. A little vague, but a worthy goal. If we write notes, holiday cards, or a grocery list, we’re writers. How can we narrow that aspiration down or beef it up? “I want to write the next great American Novel.” Better. At least you now know what you’re aiming at as a writer. Still a tad unrealistic.


Is your character’s motivation strong enough? by Carol Malone

“Trevor’s only wanted to raise her girls and fight for her community nursing program. She didn’t have time to be distracted by the hot fireman she burned years ago by refusing his marriage proposal. If she could just remind herself of her desires each day, it wouldn’t be so hard working closely with him to help his father recover from a stroke.” Take Harte a novel by Carol Malone.


Creating Responsive Characters by Carol Malone

“What’s going on?” Nathan sat up, stretched. “What’s all the noise?” Hertzog snorted. “Your old lady’s out there and she’s pissed.” He smirked at his own funny, then turned to saunter out, whistling all the way back outside to the truck bay.


Writing Dazzling Narrative Readers Won’t Skip Over by Carol Malone

“It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.” — Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Paul Clifford (1830)


Interior Monologue by Carol Malone

This material first appeared as a course within the Group Coaching Program for Novelists where Carol is an assistant mentor. Click here http://coaching.bethbarany.com/ for more information about the program where we help novelists write, edit, publish, and market their books with joy, love, enthusiasm, and smarts.


“You Talkin’ To Me?” You Wanna Write Great Dialogue? By Carol Malone

“Dialogue should be active, develops characters and create moods in the scene,” Karl Igelsias said, screenwriter, script doctor and consultant, “Dialogue is the first thing a publisher will look for.” In other words, don’t fill up your book with page after page of narrative. Give your reader highly charged dialogue and they will thank you for it.


Hooking Your Reader by Carol Malone

This material first appeared as a course within the Group Coaching Program for Novelists where Carol is an assistant mentor. Click here http://coaching.bethbarany.com/ for more information about the program where we help novelists write, edit,...


Would You Go To Jail For Your Novel? by Carol Malone

We aren’t going to be able to do all our novel research on the internet. We have to get off our butts, climb out of our office chairs, pack a backpack, and leave the safety of our homes in order to get up-close-and-personal research for the sake of enriching our stories.
